To: tobyhill
Did you hear him say he was refusing to seal the border or are you speculating based on the amounts of illegals crossing into the country?
The border is wide open. That is a fact, not a statement, nor a misrepresentation of the President's comments. The question of fact would be why is it open and why hasn't this official done something to close it. He has been there for six years; a closer parallel is to discover that your Chicago police commissioner has just spent the last six years at a club med in the Bahamas, and never visited his office once. It is not about whether he resolves the issue or not, but whether he has acted in good faith to abide by his fiduciary responsibilities. Congress is responsible for the purse, Bush for the enforcement of the law; so tell us has congress refused him the funding to enforce, or has Bush failed to include a workable plan in his budget?
99 posted on
04/26/2006 6:17:17 PM PDT by
(Abuse of power comes as no surprise)
Murder is out of control, every 2 seconds a driver run red lights, speeding is incalculable, every 18 minutes there is a child missing, a rape occurs every 36 minutes and every 4 minutes a new illegal alien is in this country. If Bush is for open borders then why has he not disbanded the Border and Customs Officers down there? You may have a valid point if you were to say that President Bush needs to do more but to claim treason because in your opinion he hasn't done what YOU feel he should is BS.
160 posted on
04/26/2006 6:37:58 PM PDT by
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