Does this really shock anyone here? I'vw known this for some time now.
Now lets see if he can carry out the will of the people (the citizens, that is...not the illegals or Vincente Fox).
Bush ran on "normalization" with illegal mexicans in 2000. I'm only amazed that his base forgot about it or thought he didn't mean it. Bush never says anything he doesn't mean.
I don't think I can take this guy anymore. This issue is one of the main reasons we've supported him through all the bad. Man, has he blown it. Is he really a conservative? I don't know what he is. Maybe Neil Young is on to something.
Doesn't surprise me. I'd like to see the pictures that Vincente Fox has of Dubya that he's using for blackmail.
The only thing that can be done is to start replacing the liberal republicans with Tancredo republicans in the primaries in states where they have a chance, replace 'moderate' democrats with Tancredo-like conservative 3rd party that way the GOP does not gain power out of the democrat losses.