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Privately, Bush Says He Favors Citizenship (for Illegals)
AP ^ | April 26, 2006 | DAVID ESPO

Posted on 04/26/2006 5:20:12 PM PDT by West Coast Conservative

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To: spudsmaki

I'm on the side of the facts, something which doesn't seem to come into play with your posts.

841 posted on 04/30/2006 9:41:22 AM PDT by Howlin
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To: Howlin
I'm on the side of assimilation. My grandfather's wife and children were killed by the Germans in WW1. My grandmother's husband and children were killed by the same soldiers in the same time period. They met in a death camp, the kind of camp that was practice for WW2. They married because of what they had in common.

I have their original Ellis Island paperwork and I've rummaged through the E I website to confirm it. They understood the five freedoms of the 1st Amendment better than any radio babbler.

The irony of their life is that they settled in Da Mare Daley's and Joe Batter's Chicago. Two people, and two Democrats, who had no use for this country's blessings.

842 posted on 04/30/2006 10:02:15 AM PDT by spudsmaki
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To: nicmarlo

I would like nothing better than to wallpaper my den with your homepage : )

843 posted on 04/30/2006 10:06:51 AM PDT by stephenjohnbanker ((Immigration: Acting like dupes does not earn us their respect, but their CONTEMPT.))
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To: stephenjohnbanker

Why thanks, stephen. I continue to add "cool" things I find as I go along. : )

844 posted on 04/30/2006 10:16:16 AM PDT by nicmarlo (Bush is the Best President Ever. Rah. Rah.)
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Comment #845 Removed by Moderator

To: wardaddy; nicmarlo; NewRomeTacitus; Czar; stephenjohnbanker; Pelham
never anything comparable to the invasion of the past 10-15 years...not even early 1900s rival that.

Research is your friend. Absolute numbers are irrelevant. When a hundred or so immigrants on the Mayflower hit the beach, they set the culture of the continent. The percentage of "other-culture" population matters, as does the determination that our culture will prevail. All I see in the "no amnesty" mantra folks is a xenophobic close the door attitude. That has proven a total failure for 50 years now, and "trying harder" like the libs do with socialism, won't make a failed policy good.

The percentage of immigrant population is what's relevant when talking about which culture will be dominant. The linked PDF above will tell you that the number of immigrants as a percentage of the population still isn't nearly what it was from 1850 through 1920.

We assimilated those foreign born, foreign language folks just fine because we had an affirmative policy to do it. But xenophobia since 1960 has failed.

Guess which policy I favor.

846 posted on 04/30/2006 10:46:03 AM PDT by narby
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To: West Coast Conservative

What the President favors personally doesn't bother me in the least. It's gets passed and what he signs off on that will tell the tale.

847 posted on 04/30/2006 10:49:22 AM PDT by ShandaLear (Announcing you plans is a good way to hear God laugh. Al Swearengen, 1877—Deadwood)
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To: stephenjohnbanker

I doubt he'd take the time to read it.....but as a matter of fact, he did get a portion of it....just last night. : )

848 posted on 04/30/2006 10:49:52 AM PDT by nicmarlo (Bush is the Best President Ever. Rah. Rah.)
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To: West Coast Conservative

Oh noooooooooo...this cant be...Bush is god, Bush is perfect, love Bush, love Rush, love hero, my icon, my god...

Bush love I do....

The perfect Mr. Bush...

Wait...thats right...I am supposed to be happy with this jacka$$ Bush because...DRUM ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL....he is better than John Kerry...and he is the LESSER OF TWO EVILS....


849 posted on 04/30/2006 10:53:03 AM PDT by antaresequity (PUSH 1 FOR ENGLISH - PUSH 2 TO BE DEPORTED)
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To: narby; nicmarlo; All

I would LOVE to know what state you live in, because a clue you ain't got!

850 posted on 04/30/2006 11:17:24 AM PDT by stephenjohnbanker ((Immigration: Acting like dupes does not earn us their respect, but their CONTEMPT.))
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To: narby; wardaddy; NewRomeTacitus; Czar; stephenjohnbanker; Pelham
The Constitution and Rule of Law is my friend; statistics and numbers change, depending upon who is using them to further their goals and bias. Change occurs, as well, when populations increase or more precise information is obtained.

Regardless, our elected officials are Constitutionally bound to represent the best interests of America and Americans, not illegal aliens who have no right being here.

We cannot continue to "assimilate" those who break our laws and feed off taxpayers without increasing the severity of their impact on lowering wages, increasing health costs, educational costs, law enforcement needs, crime, and murder. Additionally, they export money, by the millions, to "their homeland," and are not investing that money into the communities where they USE UP taxpayer resources.

Snapshot of Illegals Who Will: Shut Down America on May 1, 2006

From the researchers at the Los Angeles Times (June 2002):

The above figures are from FOUR YEARS AGO.

Every country has limited resources. We are not the world's provider of those resources. Restricting these precious resources for the use of and benefit for the Americans and her legal citizens is not xenophobia, it's COMMON SENSE.

851 posted on 04/30/2006 11:17:38 AM PDT by nicmarlo (Bush is the Best President Ever. Rah. Rah.)
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To: stephenjohnbanker; narby

clueless, I agree. : )

852 posted on 04/30/2006 11:21:12 AM PDT by nicmarlo (Bush is the Best President Ever. Rah. Rah.)
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To: nicmarlo
We cannot continue to "assimilate" those ... they export money, by the millions, to "their homeland,"

What part of "assimilate" don't you understand?

853 posted on 04/30/2006 11:36:37 AM PDT by narby
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To: narby

Glad you saw that I had "assimilate" in quotes. That was a "clue."

854 posted on 04/30/2006 11:42:08 AM PDT by nicmarlo (Bush is the Best President Ever. Rah. Rah.)
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To: narby
as·sim·i·late Pronunciation: &-'si-m&-"lAt Function: verb Inflected Form(s): -lat·ed; -lat·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin assimilatus, past participle of assimilare, from Latin assimulare to make similar, from ad- + simulare to make similar, simulate transitive senses 1 a : to take in and appropriate as nourishment : absorb into the system b : to take into the mind and thoroughly comprehend 2 a : to make similar b : to alter by assimilation c : to absorb into the culture or mores of a population or group 3 : COMPARE, LIKEN

If you want a direct example of subpopulations that refuse to assimilate the culture of their host countries you need only look at the problems Europe is experiencing with their Muslim illegals. While our illegals are driven by ethnicity rather than Islamic fanaticism they share a refusal to integrate and an unfathomable illogic that the cultural mores (or lesses, in these cases) of the backward societies they fled from should be forced onto the majority.

855 posted on 04/30/2006 12:40:42 PM PDT by NewRomeTacitus
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To: narby
We trap them in a Hispanic subculture limited to only a few jobs and living arrangements, so why should they? When they're legal, their options will be open, and we should then encourage them to break out of their third world culture and learn english. But for now, why should they bother? They're not welcome here. They're "illegal".

And YOUR crystal ball is where? We don't trap them. They can go home anytime they like. If you get your way I'll be the one who's trapped.

And what's preventing us from revoking their US citizenship of they take up the citizenship of another country?

They don't "take up citizenship of another country" they never drop their birth citizenship. I thought I had made that clear earlier. How would you purpose we go about finding out if they lied about renouncing citizenship of birth? Shall we monitor every phone call or piece of mail. WE HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING IF THEY REMAIN A CITIZEN OF ANOTHER COUNTRY.

When people are naturalized as US citizens, I believe they must swear allegiance to the United States. If they break that oath, their citizenship should certainly be revoked.

And we all know people who perjure themselves every time they fill out employment applications and all government forms will be truthful. I've got some real nice swamp land you might like to buy.

It's in our power to remove the excuse for protest. And since they're not going anywhere, we may as well remove that excuse and make them legal and begin the english classes. We're wasting time now, and while we do, more are entering that will require assimilation. Let's get at it.

These people have no excuse to be protesting. We, as the citizens of this country, have every right to pass any immigration law we please. We have the right to decide who's allowed here and who's not. By giving into these thugs we only insure their future demands and the further slid of our country into civil unrest.

You don't get it. The "line" is longer than they're ever likely to live. What's the point?

I "get it". What I also get is the reason why the line is long. WE CAN NOT TAKE EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO COME. The point is, we are not under any obligation to take anyone we don't want. If we decided tomorrow not to take another immigrant we do not have to. The fact that immigrants have always been allowed in means nothing. Almost every country on earth is made up of immigrants. Just because I drank Coca Cola for ten years doesn't forbid my drinking RC today. The United States allowed slavery for hundreds of years we do not, thank G-d, today.

Our immigration system is supposed to have limits on how many people from each country/nationality come here. It was setup that way for fairness,

It was set up that way to protect the union jobs of the Farm Workers in the 60's.

Would that be the union Latinos, many of whom were here illegally, formed.

I can tell by your words that you are a kind and trusting person. I once was. The Vaseline ran out when our government broke Reagan's promise and two illegal Mexicans broke into my home.

Thank you for making my point. These people aren't going to be sent home this time either. We either "normalize" them somehow, and use that as a lever to push them into assimilation, or the status quo will be maintained until they actually *do* outnumber us and Aztlan is fulfilled.

You seem to have missed my point, which was that if we "normalize" them we will be stuck with them. The government will never keep its promise to secure the border, and in another twenty years we'll be asked to do this again only it will be fifty million illegals.


I don't either. And since Reagan proved that not even a "law and order" Republican will have the brass to send these folks home, the only answer is assimilation. That won't happen unless we use their desire for normalization be the carrot to motivate their assimilation. That's what I think Bush has in mind, and I support him in it.

Most of these people came in after Reagan's term. These people came in under Clintoon and Bush. Clintoon/Gore fast tracked thousands, mostly Hispanics, into citizenship just before election time so they could vote. Which is one of the reasons we have this problem today. I like to think Reagan would not have screwed the American people this way. The person we need in office is someone who sees this for what it is. THIS IS AN INVASION.

You should do some soul searching, as I have over this. Ask yourself if you can live with the knowledge that you were instrumental in killing everything our forefathers fought so hard to give us.

Am I the one being "instrumental in killing everything our forefathers fought so hard to give us"? Or are you?

You are.

This country has assimilated people from all over the world for centuries, yet we didn't get into a problem like this until we attempted to stop immigration. So why do you think that trying harder to stop immigration is the answer now? You're thinking like a liberal. Socialism has failed everywhere, so they believe they just need to try harder. Your "immigration limits" are failing like socialism, yet you want to try harder.

Wrong. This problem started when our $&%$%$##%$$# Supreme Court made the d#*$ a$$ decision to force American taxpayers to foot the bill for educating illegal invaders children and provide emergency medical care for them all. Before that most illegals were men who left there families back home. Now, with all the "It freeee" things they receive they bring their families with them. I told you I've studied this for over twenty years.

Seeing how socialist and communist groups are behind these marches, you need to ask the illegal invaders, and yourself, why you want socialism here.

The efforts of the "no amnesty" crowd will merely prolong this, and the more it's prolonged the more powerful the mexican culture in the US becomes. It's time for a return to what succeeded a hundred years ago, assimilation. What we're doing now is failing.

You need to get a ticket for the clue bus. The only thing we, the "no amnesty crowd", are trying to prolong is what you seem to wish to hand over on a platter. Yes, what we are doing now is failing. BECAUSE WE ARE DOING NOTHING.

The only smart thing you've said is that we're waisting time. The only question I have for you is, why are you so hell bent on Hispanics taking over the States? Everyone I've had this argument with is in some way benefiting from them. What's your thirty pieces.

856 posted on 04/30/2006 2:01:57 PM PDT by Razz Barry
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To: nicmarlo

"Glad you saw that I had "assimilate" in quotes. That was a "clue.""


857 posted on 04/30/2006 3:27:25 PM PDT by stephenjohnbanker ((Immigration: Acting like dupes does not earn us their respect, but their CONTEMPT.))
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To: wardaddy
"And calling for unlimited immigration is nuts."

It sure is.

FROBL Magic Answer = Make Them All Legal

858 posted on 04/30/2006 3:30:47 PM PDT by Czar (StillFedUptotheTeeth@Washington)
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To: nicmarlo
"Oh yeah....unlimited legal immigration is the answer."

Only for the FROBLs...

859 posted on 04/30/2006 3:36:13 PM PDT by Czar (StillFedUptotheTeeth@Washington)
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To: NewRomeTacitus
"Saying "we can't deport, we can't enforce" is a cop-out. Saying "we couldn't" and "we shouldn't" have immigration laws which are in the best interests of American and AMERICANS is the surest way to end the United States of America."

Which, more and more, is beginning to look like the objective.

860 posted on 04/30/2006 3:41:14 PM PDT by Czar (StillFedUptotheTeeth@Washington)
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