Get the price back around 1.85 and all of this will have been forgoten.
Bush is a Texa oil man.
That's how he thinks.
Must frustrate him no end to pretend he cares about high gas prices.
And when we had the Carter era of 18% inflation, gas lines, 12% unemployment and gutting the military. Now those were the days.
We should be using our oil to counter the supply moves of the cartel. When they cut back we open the spicket to influence price. When the cartel increases supply,we cut back.
Exactly. Time to get people going back to totally wasting fuel because they think it's cheap!!
Seriously though, even at $3.00 plus a gallon there are parents driving their kids in SUV's five hundred yards to a bus stop, running the engine for twenty minutes, and then driving home.
People waste so much fuel it's laughable. How many do you know that will drive around town to different grocery stores to save 10 cents on a can of peas?
I'll bet good money they whine about gas prices.