To: NCLaw441
Finally...somebody on this thread with a brain!!
These Bush hating Freepers are grating my nerves.
64 posted on
04/25/2006 2:56:34 PM PDT by
To: Gator113
We all used to support Bush. He betrayed us. We may be winning in Iraq, but what does it matter? Terrorists march through the streets of New York. Illegals claiming our land for Mexico. Our government Kow Towing to the Chinazis at every turn. No new domestic oil, an open border, our ports owned by China. Call this national security? His approval ratings are plummeting because the liberals still hate him and his own base has left him. This is just another example. Bush started out decently, but other than his deal with India, his second term has accomplished nothing. He should never have invited Hu Hitler here, it just legitimizes his brutal regime, and did nothing to redress China's economic warfare against us, and then he will not protect this woman, when liberals heckle with impunity, under the claim of "free speech". Of course he will not protect her, less we offend our Chinese masters. I though we learned form appeasement in WWII, but apparently not.
83 posted on
04/25/2006 4:15:29 PM PDT by
To: Gator113
These Bush hating Freepers are grating my nerves.I don't hate President Bush. I just think I have a pretty good idea of where he, and the majority of our elected, and some not elected (blackrobes etc), officials are headed. BTW, Hablo espanol? (You better learn) Can you spell "borders"? How's your credit rating? Are you ready for a cashless society? Do you know, really know, what marxism is? (You're witnessing it this very day).
88 posted on
04/25/2006 4:36:16 PM PDT by
(I fear for my Republic due to marxist influence in our government. Open eyes/see)
To: Gator113
only bushbots have brains I gather. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson