To: jw777
Of course not.
Remember the State of the Union? Cindy Sheehan didn't go to jail- she was held for a couple hours and released. And there are countless examples of other leftists being given a pass.
This woman is worse?
11 posted on
04/25/2006 2:22:18 PM PDT by
(My donation to the GOP went here instead:
To: ovrtaxt
We are no better than the communists if we prosecute this woman for her voice. I don't care what cult she belongs to, it is BS that we deny freedom of speech when it comes to foreign dictators. Congress shall make no law blah blah blah.
22 posted on
04/25/2006 2:31:01 PM PDT by
(Most people stand on the tracks and never even hear the train coming)
To: ovrtaxt
Thats my point exactly. We let this ugly Mofro Sheehan get away and prosecute this lady. It just aint right.
To: ovrtaxt
When China holds hundreds of billions of dollars in U.S. Treasury securities and runs an enormous trade surplus with our country, Wenyi Wang is worse than Cindy Sheehan, at least in the eyes of our leaders. We were made very aware in the last decade of the ties Chinese businessmen and companies cultivated with Democratic politicians. I do not doubt that they work both sides of the aisle. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson