He wants the largest amnesty in the history of our country (the world?) for the illegals he and others have let in, and then he wants also to increase legal immigration from the third world.
In doing so, he's giving away our nation, turning it into something rather different than the nation we grew up in, and putting us on the same path over the multicultural cliff already paved by much of Western Europe.
Even after the 9-11 wake up call, he continues with this policy. In particular, he still imports the worst malady of all from the third world: Islam, bringing in half a million new muslims to our homeland, and ensuring that Mohammad Atta's faith continues to be the "fastest growing religion" in the homeland.
That's why he's lost me and so many conservatives.
Why he's lost the rest of America is simpler. He's grossly inarticulate. He can barely finish a coherent thought unless it's on a teleprompter. He can't sell. If he showed up on your doorstep stammering about some new vacuum cleaner you'd slam the door in his face. When he shows up on TV babbling about policy, even when he's saying something likely true (progress in Iraq) folks turn him off or tune him out.
You overstate his inabilities of persuasion and his inarticulateness, but you are right, that inability has been a major problem for years. He and his people should have found a way to have others go out and make his cases day in and day out if he was aware of his inadequacies. But of course the old media probably would not cover those words of his aides anyhow.
Tony Snow should help a great deal.