Brittany Hogan, last years Miss California, gave up her career plans to work at a Christian orphanage in Uganda. And a 19-year-old from Atlanta donated all of her wedding money to the cause after her fiancé was killed in Iraq.
My heroines!
Here are the links Chuck mentioned:
The movie.
The Global Night Commute.
There are other links about this subject at the source document.
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To: 351 Cleveland; AFPhys; agenda_express; almcbean; ambrose; Amos the Prophet; AnalogReigns; ...
BreakPoint/Chuck Colson Ping!
If anyone wants on or off my Chuck Colson/BreakPoint Ping List, please notify me here or by freepmail.
2 posted on
04/24/2006 2:38:49 PM PDT by
Mr. Silverback
(TRY JESUS. If you don't like Him, the devil will always take you back.)
To: Mr. Silverback
Invisible Children has been shown several times where my two sons go to school- Pt. Loma Nazarene in San Diego. after seeing it, several students have made trips there either with the filmakers or because of the film. It's made a big impact, and the kids act.
6 posted on
04/27/2006 3:15:55 PM PDT by
(Forget the baby whales, save the baby humans.)
To: Mr. Silverback
Four years ago, New York Times columnist
If a New York Times columnist is approving of something done in the name of the Christian religion, that something must either be way off the reservation, or diverting attention from something really important.
8 posted on
04/27/2006 3:18:53 PM PDT by
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