...but ohiowfan is my friend.....her son was in Iraq...
..Your points are well made....
...but it's when you resort to name calling and belittling that you lose ground.
I don't have any idea what I did, or what she perceives that I did to her, but she has been acting as though I'm the enemy for several months.
Pretty weird, IMO...
Thanks for standing up for me, though. I really do appreciate it.
Where and when did I do this?! Nowhere! You find it and post it!
You are picking on absolutely the wrong person, Guen. It is sad to see that you must fight someone else's battles to keep their friendship.
Ohio is the one who belittles others and tries to completely control what other posters say on forum. She won't allow the slightest divergence from what she wants to see and hear on the Day in Photos, even if it is in good humor. She's on the "abuse" button trying to get rid of people she doesn't like.
And what did she do on this thread but disrupt the discussion? In her world, everything said about the president should be the highest praise, and overlook whatever he does that is NOT in the best interest of the country. Censorship is what she wants and will not get.
OhioWfan, you are the one who treats me and other proponents of secure borders as the enemy. You do not even make a pretense of showing respect to us for the patriots that we are, and yet you pout about not being shown "kindness."
Every single politician I vote for is MY employee and that is how I treat it. Get over it.