""Nope. I'm sitting out this year.
I'm sick unto death of having to pick the pile that doesn't smell quite as bad as the other, but still makes you throw up a bit."
1. I hope your guns are confiscated
2. your church audited by the IRS
3. Children forced to attend socialist public school
4. have an illegal immigrant take your job to satisfy some affirmative action requirement
5. get health care only through the govt and perhaps your loved ones will die waiting for "health care"
6. have your SUV banned
7. pay a BTU tax
8. attend a gay wedding afterwards attend a forced euthenasia
>>1. I hope your guns are confiscated
2. your church audited by the IRS
3. Children forced to attend socialist public school
4. have an illegal immigrant take your job to satisfy some affirmative action requirement
5. get health care only through the govt and perhaps your loved ones will die waiting for "health care"
6. have your SUV banned
7. pay a BTU tax
8. attend a gay wedding afterwards attend a forced euthenasia <<
Gladly show me ANY conservative with the sack to actually stand up to these causes, and he'll get my vote.
1. No clear stance from the Bush administration
2. No clear stance from the Bush administration
3. Vouchers? What happened to that platform? Thanks Jorge.
4. Illegals are already here, and Jorge Bush has no intentions of forcing them to leave. It's only a matter of time.
5. Like the latest round of Medicaid? Thanks Jorge.
6. It's already too expensive to drive, may as well ban it.
7. ?
8. Or attend Jorge's Ramadan feast at the White House where he equates God with allah as one in the same.
Same sh!t, different pile. The Repubs don't get another dime or vote from me until they show me that they care about the conservative base that voted them into power.