You said -- "as i said,though, i don't get why they don't spend some of that dough on the poor peoples of their countries. and how stupid are the poor peoples that they don't get the disconnect."
That's not the aim of Islam, you see. The aim of Islam is not to feed the poor. It's not to give freedom to the downtrodden. It's to *subjugate* them and to make Islam the pre-eminent relgion over all the world. And since they don't separate religion and government -- that means having Islam as the government of the entire world.
Once you understand who the "god" of Islam is -- you understand why Satan does not want to feed the poor. You understand that he wants to control the whole world.
This is the classic battle of the Bible -- Satan railing against God, and God giving him his "time" until he is destroyed.
Star Traveler
puts me in mind of c.s. lewis's space trilogy. how many times over the years have i thought that these books were so prescient in their vision of the future...the control of minds by extremists who also, btw, happen to be insane.
between the islamists and the politically correct speech stifling nazis on the left, the future is filled with peril.