Backhoe,,,can you get together with gaspar and do a new thread connecting the dots??? You both have FABULOUS info!!
Another avenue of approach: In August 1998 it was McCarthy at the NSC that ordered General Zinni to prepare a plan to strike Afghanistan. Zinni and Albright did all in their power to stop any Afgan strike or support for the anti-Taleban Northern Alliance. The CIA legal department did all in its power to slow down that process. In the end, thanks to Berger, Zinni, Albright, the CIA and Cohen nothing was done.
I think what is lost in all this is the important role Mary McCarthy played under Bill Clinton in really screwing up the terrorist portfolio. Remember, She was not only named the NSC Director of Intelligence Programs in August 1998, that title also included SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Thus we have the former NSC terrorist czar and Clinton insider under arrest!