To: edpc
These liberals just keep giving each other awards...and the beat goes on.
Their self congradulation is hilarious. They are trying to replay Watergate and Vietnam...and they just look damned silly.
3 posted on
04/22/2006 5:39:12 AM PDT by
To: kjo
--They are trying to replay Watergate and Vietnam...and they just look damned silly.
Unfortunately, only to people who pay attention. Once they make an assertion it becomes part of the kultursmog.
4 posted on
04/22/2006 5:41:50 AM PDT by
To: kjo
This is worse than just liberals giving liberals awards. The Pulitzer Prize awards are the left circling the wagons around the "journalists" to protect them from criminal prosecution. I read this theory in a major blog that I wished I remembered so I could give credit. It's already proving true. Wolf Blitzer kept going on and on about award winning journalists.
President Bush should give awards to Libby and Rove, actually they were the ones telling the truth and Wilson was the liar.
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