I'd like to hear the "chatter" between the CIA "friends-of-Mary" employees about now....
OOPPPSSS!!! Sorry !! We can't "domestically spy" on Americans cuz the Dem's passed a law or something????
...and thanks to "McLame", we can't even "torture" them???
How are we gonna find the "leakers" and make them confess??
(...The "woe-is-us" sarcasm off thingee goes in this spot..)
"How are we gonna find the "leakers" and make them confess?"
Good thing we got the 'Roswell is a Hoax' thing to work. Now our Alien mind control crew can work on the Enemies of Dick Cheney.
I'm also particularly pleased that Karl Rove is free to spend more time on the evil weather control machine. California's levees need another round.
Tin Foil Hat off.
Sorry I was browsing at the DUmpster and must have zoned a little!