Liberals are using it because they have an agenda ..
others just have concerns
I do understand the concerns of some, but even in this forum it was used to bludgeon those of us who spoke up! The bill was never going to pass that would have prosecuted "Jesus" (in Hillary's words). It would have been taken out of any final bill, but the liberal Dems made sure that the opportunity to take it out of the bill was delayed since they want the issue. It just was a welcome tool for the libs to once more show the lack of feeling in the Wrascly Old Wepublicans!
I think what I found troubling was the conservatives, including those in this forum, who refused to rationally discuss the matter, and instead hid behind the leaders of the Catholic Church who had spoken out. If only some of the Catholic Leaders had spoken out as eloquently on behalf of some of the children abused by a few in it's ranks! I am a practicing Catholic who loves my Church, but must admit I lost some respect for the words of some of our so called leaders.