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To: garyhope

Arizona Governor Napolitano’s Trip to Visit President Fox to Discuss Pilot Guest Worker Program Goes Without Discussion. Why?

All Americans deplore the senseless jeopardy Mexicans take risking their lives coming into the United States to find employment and to participate in opportunities America offers its residents.

It is primarily employment that is the huge magnet that draws Mexicans to put their lives in jeopardy by having to cross into the United States along the Arizona Mexico border which is where the desert awaits to claim lives of those that walk across its vastness. If the desert fails to stop these workers, American employers anxiously await the incoming flow of Mexicans to fill low paying jobs that otherwise would go unfilled.

Governor Napolitano of Arizona proposes to make Arizona the site for a pilot program to allow Mexicans to enter into Arizona with out benefit of protection, benefits or opportunity to become American citizens. Napolitano wants to bring Mexicans into Arizona to work much without benefits or access to opportunities available to other American residents.

The Mexican worker proposals put forth by the Arizona congressional delegation have many constraints and treat Mexican workers much like slaves. At least the congressional delegation proposals provide for employment anywhere in the United States and considering many Mexicans have already found work throughout the United States.

President Fox has called undocumented workers “heroes” as contributors to Mexico’s families by sending back part of each paycheck to provide for their families left in Mexico. One can only conclude, Fox withheld discussion with Napolitano because he thought it would be a futile discussion with Napolitano.

According to Napolitano, she has been a proponent of a guest-worker program between the United States and Mexico, yet to date, there are no details of any proposal forth coming from her that could be used to influence guest worker plans now being explored in Washington. One, by Senator John McCain and Representatives Jeff Flake and Jim Kolbe, all Arizona Republicans, would add two categories of temporary three-year worker visas, which migrants would have to obtain before applying for residency.

Another plan, advanced by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, would give migrant workers a limited “blue-card” visa that would allow them to stay for three years, then get expedited residency consideration. Limitation on type of work and an absolute barrier to make sure these workers return to Mexico and not stay in the United States where they can apply for citizenship is the primary foundation for each of these proposals.

Each of the Washington proposals require Mexicans to return to Mexico to apply for residency consideration in the United States. Considering the bureaucracy of the new Department of Homeland Security, waiting for paper work would be a kiss of death for any residency consideration as the Mexican patiently waits unemployed in Mexico for the paper work to arrive in Mexico.

Since Napolitano supports these proposals indicates she has no understanding on what drives Mexicans to risk their lives. The job is certainly important but the draw also includes the desire to become an American citizen as afforded others that come to the United States with work visas. Napolitano is no sincere friend of Hispanics and appears more interested in a photo opportunity for Arizona publicity. Napolitano’s visit to Fox was cordial but President Fox recognized the trip for what it was, a superficial approach to yesterday’s one day headlines back in Arizona.

Jon Garrido, President
American Hispanic Coalition
Scottsdale, Arizona

35 posted on 04/16/2006 6:02:28 PM PDT by kcvl
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To: kcvl

"All Americans deplore the senseless jeopardy Mexicans take risking their lives coming into the United States to find employment and to participate in opportunities America offers its residents."

You sure don't speak for me you unamerican POS!

67 posted on 04/16/2006 7:26:16 PM PDT by dalereed
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To: kcvl
"Each of the Washington proposals require Mexicans to return to Mexico to apply for residency consideration in the United States. Considering the bureaucracy of the new Department of Homeland Security, waiting for paper work would be a kiss of death for any residency consideration as the Mexican patiently waits unemployed in Mexico for the paper work to arrive in Mexico."

The only 'Washington Proposal' I've seen that stands half a chance at being effective is HR 4437. The others are too weak in the areas of enforcement and border security, and will simply be ignored by the same criminals responsible for the current mess.

92 posted on 04/17/2006 2:06:34 AM PDT by CowboyJay (Rough Riders! Tancredo '08)
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