The so 'war on drugs' has horrific results, too. Selling illegal-yet-readily-available black market drugs enriches gangs, crooked cops, politicians on the take.
Gangs arm themselves to the teeth and kill each other over turf - this spills over to entire sections of cities where society has broken down. Bodies found on a daily basis, children shot through windows at thier birthday party, and the law abiding residents prisoners and helpless in a war zone where the police are practically powerless.
Corruption is rampant through all levels of law enforcement and government directly due to enormous unprecedented black market drug profits.
Not to mention the erosion of Constituional protection from modern-day Redcoats: SWAT teams who lob flash-bang grenades into living rooms while serving no-knock warrants (many times at the wrong house) because some low-life gang member confidential informant pointed to a door. After violating the sanctity of an American's home sometimes find nothing more than a pot seed in the living room carpet--but that's enough for them to put the occupant in prison.
This is how all Black markets work, so it comes as no surprise that the Drug Black Market is the worst because it is the most lucrative.
And yet, illegal drugs are always available in every neighborhood across the land...
I bet if you were around during Prohibition, you'd try to convince us that all this would go away if only we would legalize alcohol. Well, we did, and it didn't go away, now did it?
Still want to promise us utopia if only we would legalize all drugs?