To: CarolinaGuitarman
It's evidence that wins arguments, not pigskin. I could care less what your creds are, btw, so don't bother posting them.
Of course, it is evidence that wins arguments and the lack thereof that loses them. I'm just curious if you actually have personal understanding of the subject through individual study or if you (like many of the evolutionists on these threads) are merely cutting and pasting information from internet websites that you don't fully understand.
Given your propensity to engage in name calling and avoid the logical merits of the debate, I'd have to guess that it is the latter.
A perfect example is the complete lack of empirical evidence for abiogenesis or endosymbiosis. You see, evolutionary theory apart from ID hinges fully on endosymbiotic behavior in the primordial soup. Take that away, and we're still dealing with lightning induced amnio acid formation. Textbooks and credentialed evolutionists admit this...however when IDers and strict creationists point out the utter lack of empirical evidence for this (there's about as much evidence of endosymbiotic behavior as there is for H.G. Well's "War of the Worlds" actually happening) that evolutionists either retreat and say "well, it doesn't matter" or "mitochondrial DNA resemble bacterial DNA so it had to happen" (just like humans resemble chimps so it had to happen, and so on).
138 posted on
04/15/2006 1:55:06 PM PDT by
( - Forging a Rebirth of Freedom.)
To: Old_Mil
How does any theory of the creation of the first lifeforms challenge the mechanisms of ToE?
To: Old_Mil
" Of course, it is evidence that wins arguments and the lack thereof that loses them."
Then my academic credentials are not relevant. Nor are yours.
"I'm just curious if you actually have personal understanding of the subject through individual study or if you (like many of the evolutionists on these threads) are merely cutting and pasting information from internet websites that you don't fully understand."
No doubt you are.
"Given your propensity to engage in name calling and avoid the logical merits of the debate, I'd have to guess that it is the latter."
As you have yet to tackle any of the logical merits of evolution, I'll take that statement as a joke.
" A perfect example is the complete lack of empirical evidence for abiogenesis or endosymbiosis."
Yes, your imagining there is no evidence for these things is quite amusing.
"You see, evolutionary theory apart from ID hinges fully on endosymbiotic behavior in the primordial soup. Take that away, and we're still dealing with lightning induced amnio acid formation."
After the origin of eukaryotes, that is not a problem. Most evolutionary theory deals with eukaryotes.
"Textbooks and credentialed evolutionists admit this..."
I doubt that.
".however when IDers and strict creationists point out the utter lack of empirical evidence for this."
Says you.
"that evolutionists either retreat and say "well, it doesn't matter" or "mitochondrial DNA resemble bacterial DNA so it had to happen"
That's not even close to the actual argument made.
"(just like humans resemble chimps so it had to happen, and so on).)
Again, you demonstrate an ignorance of even basic evolutionary ideas. No how many degrees you say you have.
148 posted on
04/15/2006 2:04:06 PM PDT by
("There is grandeur in this view of life....")
To: Old_Mil
Why don't you just point out an instance where CG's logic is faulty? You know, provide some evidence for your claim? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson