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To: Quix
I guess I don't believe those particular reports, and the few pictures are of extremely poor quality. In other words,
they could be any given found dead body.

There's no proof that the reported conditions of the bodies were caused by something other than worldly.

123 posted on 04/16/2006 2:27:17 PM PDT by Calvin Locke
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To: Calvin Locke

There are better pictures. Will try and find them. The wounds were of the usual (for cattle mutilations etc) evidently extremely fine, hot laser cauterization type.

I assure you, in the better pictures, the excised jaw portion, missing eye, etc. are all clearly seen as reported and are all the standard sorts of wounds for cattle mutilations.

I don't understand your bias so heavily against saying that there's something there when there isn't (a TYPE I ERROR) that you make yourself super extremely vulnerable to a TYPE II error--denying something is there, when there is.

Unless, of course, there's an extreme fear--conscious or un--of it upsetting your tidy world view overly much. I suppose that might be sufficient reason for such an extremely lopsided, heavy and narrow bias.

125 posted on 04/16/2006 2:50:44 PM PDT by Quix (Work, PRAY, stand up and be counted while it is still day. The looming night descends increasingly)
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To: Calvin Locke

BTW, This Navy yeoman's story is very interesting.

126 posted on 04/16/2006 3:07:18 PM PDT by Quix (Work, PRAY, stand up and be counted while it is still day. The looming night descends increasingly)
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To: Calvin Locke; All

Here's an interesting link to a bunch of military sources emails at Linda's site:

Part 4: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs

© 2006 by Linda Moulton Howe

"Several UFOs appeared out of nowhere and apparently shot
our 'invisible-painted' plane down. The pilot was immediately killed.
It became apparent to the USAF that these things were watching the
guys at the secret installation in Bermuda." - Source: USAF Officer, 1950s

February 27, 2006 - On January 20-21, 2006, I posted at Earthfiles and broadcast on Coast to Coast AM radio an update with U. S. Navy physicist, Bruce Maccabee, about his discussions with a USAF geophysicist referred to as "Hawk." See two-part 012106 Earthfiles. I also reported more about former New Mexico State Representative Andrew Kissner's (Dona Ana County, Las Cruces) investigations of V-2 rocket research at White Sands Proving Ground in 1947 when aerial discs interfered with launches. See "Peculiar Phenomenon" Real X-Files series beginning with 121905 Earthfiles.

Since these several reports, I have received more than a hundred e-mails from people who have either firsthand military and/or intelligence backgrounds, or are relatives of people who have such backgrounds. Many have asked that their identity remain anonymous. I feel it is valuable to share some of the e-mails and hope other Earthfiles viewers and radio listeners will contact me with additional information that complements, or goes beyond, what I am posting in this series of Earthfiles military voices.

Continued from 020706Earthfiles:

Military Voices Respond to
Earthfiles and Radio Reports
15) "Antigravity Device" At WSMR in Early 1970s?

"I was stationed at White Sands Missile Range in 1972 to 1974 and worked on various projects, including the Viking Mars Lander, SkyLab and the Mirage project (declassified in the mid-1990s). I worked mostly at Building 1510.

"The range commander at the time (a civilian) was Gordon Dunaway. He is an amazing man, VERY intelligent, and he once told me that there were things he knew that kept him awake at night and he wished he had not known.

129 posted on 04/16/2006 5:17:08 PM PDT by Quix (Work, PRAY, stand up and be counted while it is still day. The looming night descends increasingly)
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To: Calvin Locke

Here's some excerpts from a good representative case of a bull's mutilation--the 31st cattle mutilation at this California ranch. It discusses some of the unique aspects of the excisions and residue there around. Worth reading at the link:


31st Cattle Mutilation on Red Bluff, California Ranch

© 2006 by Linda Moulton Howe

"We've had a young calf dropped through trees
because he had his legs intertwined with tree branches." - Rancher Jean Barton

In Red Bluff, California, the Jean and Bill Barton ranch has suffered 31 cattle mutilations
over the past decade. A few miles north, a rancher in Anderson, California, had cattle mutilations in 1999 and 2004.

January 13, 2006 Red Bluff, California - For the past half century, unusual deaths that law enforcement call "animal mutilations" have been reported around the world. Both domestic animals and wild game have been affected, especially horses and cattle. Ranchers and law enforcement have long been puzzled because animals are found with the same pattern of hide and tissue removed ­ usually without blood ­ from the head, sexual organs, and vaginal/rectal area. There are no signs of struggle or tracks around the dead animals, not even the animal's own tracks. That peculiar fact provoked law enforcement long ago to wonder if the mutilators came in and out of pastures from the sky?
Many ranchers have also speculated that their mutilated animals have been cut with lasers because of the bloodless nature of the excisions. In fact, pathology exams over the years have confirmed in some mutilations that cuts were made with heat energy of some kind. But another puzzle is the lack of carbon residue at the heated cut lines. Earth life is carbon-based and normal laser surgery always leaves some black carbon on surgical excisions which can be seen under a microscope.

January 17, 1997, Barton Ranch - Pure Hemoglobin Particles On Mutilated Bull

Biophysicist W. C. Levengood in Grass Lake, Michigan, thinks a very complex set of energies are involved. He began studying soil and grass samples from mutilation sites. A similar pattern of respiration changes in plant cell mitochondria were repeatedly confirmed around animal mutilation sites, including grass collected near the rectum of a mutilated bull discovered in northern California on the Jean and Bill Barton Ranch in Red Bluff, on January 17, 1997, south of Redding.

Dead and mutilated 2,000 pound bull discovered January 17, 1997, by owners Jean and Bill Barton
on their winter ranch near Red Bluff, California. BLT Research, Inc. field investigator, Jean Bilodeaux, collected tissue,
grass and soil samples, including unusual hardened dark particles from bull's testicles and chest
near excision. Photograph on January 18 © 1997 by Jean Barton.

The Bartons were checking their cattle from horseback at their winter ranch when they found their 2,000-pound Black Angus bull dead and mutilated in a remote field strewn with volcanic rocks which can only be reached on foot or horseback.

Field investigator Jean Bilodeaux discovered an unusual substance on the bull's chest and testicles that was black and hard. Biophysicist Levengood confirmed the substance was pure bovine hemoglobin that could only be produced by complex laboratory centrifuge processes. He told me:

"To do this, you need to break down the cell membranes to the erythrocytes and leukocytes to remove the hemoglobin molecules. That requires a laboratory procedure with very precise biochemical steps. It's totally incomprehensible how the hemoglobin could be removed in the middle of the night out in the middle of a pasture and be separated from all the other cellular components and some of it sprayed on the dead animal."

130 posted on 04/16/2006 5:23:21 PM PDT by Quix (Work, PRAY, stand up and be counted while it is still day. The looming night descends increasingly)
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To: Calvin Locke
Here's another narrative--I think of the NZ case . . . There's some artwork of the head injuries at the link.

WARNING, I'M posting graphic drawing of head injuries pic at the end of this text.

LINK TO Karen Lyster's site.


Most of you who are interested in the UFO subject will have read about the many cases of Cattle Mutilations that have occurred in many parts of the world over the past 50 years. Most of the cases that I have studied have cantered around the mid-west of the United States, but this bizarre aspect of the UFO phenomena is by no means relegated to the US alone, I've read cases from through the world and other animals who have been targeted are horses; goats; sheep; foxes just to name a few (there has even been cases of mice!).

In this article I will not be discussing any animal mutilation case, what I do wish to share with you is a very disturbing case that has all the hallmarks of being a "Human Mutilation", in that the victim had all the same injuries we've come to associate with the cattle mutilation deaths.

Let me set the scene. Back in 1994 I was approached by a physician living here in New Zealand who wished to meet with me to get my opinion on something that had been disturbing him for some time now. He refused to tell me what the matter was about and kept insisting he needed to show me something. I have had my share of cranks over the years and I would have relegated this individual into that category if it weren't for something in his voice and manner that conveyed the honest conviction of his request. I asked him to meet me at my home but he preferred not to, and instead chose a little cafe in the centre of town as our meeting place.

He did give me his name, and at that particular time he had retired from the medical profession.

I arrived at the cafe at 12.30 and since he had told me to go to the back, that is where I headed for. Being lunchtime the cafe was nearly full, and as I walked past the tables to the rear I saw a man who was sitting alone, facing my direction, get up and move towards me. He obviously knew who I was as there was no hesitation in his eye contact with me, nor his stride towards me. He introduced himself and gestured for me to join him at his table. There were only two seats at the table - one facing the wall and the other one facing opposite which meant I would have had my back to the wall. I began to take the seat nearest to me which meant that I would have been facing the wall - he quickly gestured that he didn't want me sitting there and asked me to change seats. At that moment I didn't understand why on earth he wanted that, but the look on his face told me he had a reason for asking this of me. Later of course I realised that by sitting with my back to the wall, with no one behind me, gave me the opportunity to view what he had brought to show me without the risk of others being able to see what I was looking at.

After we were both seated, he thanked me for meeting with him.

He then proceeded to tell me how he had recently come back from a trip to the United States where during that time he had stayed with another physician friend of his who worked for the US Military. They had been friends and colleagues for a number of years. He proceeded to tell me that during the visit his friend had seemed extremely agitated and wasn't his normal self at all... something weighted heavily on this mans mind. Three days into this stay they were having dinner and his friend had been drinking heavily which was something strange in itself, as he had not seen his friend ever take more than a glass or two of wine in the entire time they had known each other.

As the evening progressed, his friend had started discussing how he had recently seen something very disturbing to him and needed to share this with him. He said he had been working late one night at the base where he was stationed when he was told there had been an accident and they were bringing in a body to which he was to do a preliminary examination of.

He then proceeded to detail the nights events and how the body was brought in with horrific injuries the likes he had never seen before in all the years of his medical career. He said the body had been mutilitated... an eye was missing, an ear. Photos had been taken of the victim as he had been found and these photos accompanied the body. Two of these photos the physician had managed to secure for himself.

It was these two photos that he brought out to show his friend, and it was same photos that were now in the possession of the Physician who sat opposite me in the cafe during that busy bustling lunchtime.

He told me that his friend had asked him to "hold onto" the photos in case anything happened to him, as he just didn't feel safe anymore and besides he hated having them around.

I had listened to what was being told me with very little interruption until he had mentioned that the photos were now in his possession. I asked him whether he had them on him and he nodded in the affirmative.

Now I have seen alleged human mutilation photos before - once by a colleague who had shown me two photos of a naked mans body with the classic signs that accompany the cattle mutilations that I am very familiar with. I have also seen a photo in one of the UFO magazines.

I now realised why I had been asked to sit with my back to the wall. This way I could view them without anyone else seeing what I was looking at.

Before he handed me the photos, he asked me if I had studied many cases of cattle mutilation, and if I could possibly tell the difference from an ordinary wound and one that had the traits of being a mutilation. I explained to him that nothing was a certainty in this field, but I had seen 100's of cases and read all the reports, including the autopsy notes so was very familiar with the wounds sustained in a alleged "mute" case.

He seemed satisfied with the answer and so brought out the photos from his breast pocket and handed them to me in a white envelope.

Now - since I was unable to keep the photos or make detailed notes of them at the time of viewing, the following account of what was in the photos is from the mental note I made of them trying to remember as much detail as I possibly could.

There were two photos. The first was the full frontal of a white male and the second photo was the same male that had been turned on his stomach, so this was the other side of the victim.

The photos had been taken at in a field of lush green pasture. It was difficult to determine how old he was as the face had been so disfigured, that age could not be determined that way.. however the physical appearance of the body was in quite good shape, so I estimate that he was between the age of 20-35.

His facial injuries were almost exactly what I had seen time and time again in the cattle mutilation cases. His left eye had been surgically removed, including the eyelid, his lips had been removed in a very clean and precise cut, so had his left ear, and the left hand side of his jaw had been removed, taking part of the jaw bone and teeth with it. The incision along the jaw line had extended past the removed segment of jaw bone to include a further strip of tissue that stopped about 2 1/2 inches from the base of the chin. I could see no blood at all. No blood around the wounds, no blood on the ground, no blood anywhere.

Next I looked at the torso and saw two very clean cookie cutter pieces that had been removed from the chest area - these would have measured approx 2 inches in diameter. Again no blood could be seen around the wound area. I have often wondered about the lack of blood in the animal cases that I have seen pictures of... I wondered if there was blood but that it was just harder to see due to the sometimes matted, dirty hide/hair of the animal. In this case however, with the victim being human, if there had been spillage of blood, there certainly was no trace of it from what I could see... it had either been cleaned away or wasn't there in the first place.

I moved down the photo to the genital area. The sexual organs had been completely removed. Again no blood was visible.

There appeared to be no injuries to the legs that I could see, so I went onto the second photograph.

The only injury on the second photo was that the entire rectum had been completed cored out which left a very large cavity. This was a very familiar sight - as most cattle mutilations have exactly the same thing. If you haven't seen this before - then it's much like taking and apple and using a corer to remove the inside core/pips. You are left with an extremely clean, incision and the core has been "plugged" right out.

I remember sitting there and saying in a very low murmur... "god I hope this poor bastard was dead before they did this"...

Of course that is the bottom line here... just who are "they"...

After I had looked at the pictures for quite some time I looked up at the physician opposite me and I could see from the look on his face, that he had become rather resigned... I suppose he was hoping I would tell him that these photos bore no resemblance whatsoever to the cattle mutilations.... Unfortunately I couldn't do that, as what I was looking at resembled 100% of what I'd seen with the animal mute cases.

We sat there and discussed things for quite some time. He didn't seem all that interested in telling much more about his friend to whom the photos actually belonged to. It seemed to me that something in him had crossed over to the darker side of human existence... the side that knows something they wish to hell they didn't. I felt sad for him... I know that feeling well. We said out goodbyes and I haven't seen or heard from him since.

It's a strange world indeed....

134 posted on 04/16/2006 5:42:10 PM PDT by Quix (Work, PRAY, stand up and be counted while it is still day. The looming night descends increasingly)
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To: Calvin Locke

Here's another excerpt from a narrative about a human mutilation from:


There are some incidents that have occurred over the years, which strongly point to the fact that the mutilations are not confined, to animals. The first case which came to the public notice involved an American Air Force Sergeant called Jonathan Louette who was serving at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico, a vast remote base where the latest US technology is tested. There are many stories linking White Sands to alien contact and captured alien craft.

The Sergeant and a senior officer were detailed to travel several miles down the missile range in a military vehicle to find and recover any debris from spent missiles. At one point they left their vehicle to scout the desert. They separated in order to cover a wider area of the sand dunes more quickly. Suddenly the officer heard screams in the area of the dunes where the sergeant was searching. He ran towards the noise thinking that a rattlesnake had bitten the sergeant and as he reached the top of the dune, he saw a disc shaped craft hovering low above the ground. A long tentacle coming from the underside of the craft was wrapped around the sergeant. It dragged the screaming man into the craft and then shot away at great speed.

The officer returned to base in a state of shock. When he reported what had happened he was not believed and was arrested for murder. An immediate search of the area failed to find any sign of the sergeant. Three days later Sergeant Louette's mutilated body was found twenty miles down the range. The mutilations were clinical and precise and involved the removal of the genitals, the rectum and the eyes. Typically there was no blood on the body, but the cardiovascular organs had not collapsed. The officer was released without charge. Although the story was leaked out by people involved in the incident, the military refused to confirm or deny that such an incident had taken place.

Although many strange stories have come out of the Vietnam conflict, there can be none stranger than that reported at a UFO Conference in Las Vegas in 1989 by an ex United States Air Force man who was serving as a photographer in Vietnam in the late sixties. He was involved in a mission to investigate the mysterious crash of a B-52 bomber, and was air lifted by helicopter into the jungle where the plane had gone down. The first surprise was to find the plane intact, and no sign of a crash landing: it was if the plane had been air lifted and placed into position. Inside the cabin, though was a greater shock. The four-man crew were still strapped into their seats, but all had been mutilated with the typical clean-cut wounds that we see in the animal mutilations. After inspecting the plane and photographing both it and the occupants, the investigation team was ordered to burn the plane and the occupants.

I also had reported to me, although without a hundred per cent corroboration the story of two hunters who in 1959 discovered the body of a naked man in an isolated area of Idaho. The genitalia had been removed, the lips had been sliced off, and there were several other surgical cuts to the body. Although the body was barefoot, there were no cuts or scratches to the feet or legs as there would have been had he walked through the wilderness terrain, nor were there any tracks of humans or animals, and it would have been impossible to get to the spot by vehicle. The police subsequently found his possessions several miles away.

As with animal mutilations the human mutilations appear to be happening globally. The best evidence to date has come from Brazil with some convincing if gruesome photographs of a human mutilation, which have been obtained from, police files. Although authorities the world over appear to be united in their desire to keep the whole thing covered up, not all are as sophisticated as the Americans and British, and fortunately for the whole field of research into UFO-related deaths and mutilations, these Brazilian pictures have found their way into the public domain. The mutilated body of a man was found near the Guarapiranga Reservoir in Brazil on 29th. September 1988 and as a matter of course photographs were taken of the corpse. A police technician, Sergio Rubens, later gave copies of these photographs to his cousin, Dr Goes Rubins, who he thought would be interested, in the way the corpse had been mutilated. Appreciating at least partly the significance of the pictures, Dr Rubens showed them to a friend, who he knew was interested in ufology. She immediately recognized the similarity of the wounds to those she has seen in animal mutilations.

When the police were approached for more information, the head of the investigation, Dr Cuenca, surprisingly opened his files: an incredible stroke of luck not just for the original investigators, but for all of us battling to get this subject into the open. Among the papers in the file was the original autopsy report, written by forensic pathologists who had no previous knowledge of mutilations. There were many striking observations.

1.Although the victim had been dead for forty-eight to seventy-two hours there was no sign of being eaten by animals or starting to rot, as would be expected.

2.There was no smell.

3.Bleeding from the wounds had been minimal.

4.The lips and flesh from the face had been cut away.

5.The eyes, ears and tongue had been removed.

6.Neat round holes, one to one and a half inches in diameter, had been made on the shoulders arms and head, stomach and anus and tissue and muscle had been extracted. The holes had not been made by bullets.

7.The major organs within the chest cavity had been removed, a perfect small hole having been made through which extensive digestive organs had been extracted.

8.The scrotum, but not the penis had been removed, and all pubic hair had disappeared.

9.The rectum had been cored out.

Despite the devastating mutilations, there was no sign that the victim had been bound or had struggled in any way.

137 posted on 04/16/2006 5:52:52 PM PDT by Quix (Work, PRAY, stand up and be counted while it is still day. The looming night descends increasingly)
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