To: olivia3boys
"An educated mother might be a bit better mother, since all learning begins at home."
I agree that it MIGHT help in some aspects, and a HUGE amen to learning begins at home. However, like someone else posted, perseverance is everything, talent, genius, and education are all secondary.
Mom's are an excellent example of perseverance for them. I think another cliche that sums it up well is, "The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world." (or something like that)
I just think our society has become over intoxicated with the idea that knowledge is the key to success. Knowledge is simply information. Wisdom is proper application of knowledge. We have kid's pumped full of information, yet they have no wisdom in how life works.
I would rather my daughter have the loving heart of her mother, The strong work ethic of her mother, and the wisdom of her mother, then all the knowledge offered at any college.
I do think that some college coarses offer a great base for expanding or improving you interests. An example is my wife again. She is currently taking classes every Thursday night for a couple of weeks to learn more about photography. It has been her side hobby/passion, and I highly encourage her to pursue it. Yet, her number one priority is being "her kids mom" as she ( and Dr. Laura) says. To that end, I don't know of a college that would make her better at being "her kids mom."
Sorry to rant, it's just something I'm being to think about since my oldest (son) is going to High School next year. Boy, how time flys.
To: ScubieNuc
Another, very practical reason for your wife or daughter to get a degree would be so that they could get a good paying job to support themselves if, God forbid, you should die or divorce your wife--or if your daughter's future husband did.
A college degree definitely makes a woman more employable, should she be forced to enter the workforce by unhappy circumstance. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson