Nope. Tell you what. Go poll 40 D/40R/20I Likely voters instead of the current 38% Demns 27% Reps 35% Inds anyone over 18 standard the "Polling groups" are using. Get the same results then we will talk. Until then Garbage in/Garbage out. ALL this "Analysis" is based on propaganda, NOT reality.
I agree with what Laura Ingraham said today on her radio show, Secure the border and penalize employers who hire illegal aliens. I agree, and not a dime until Republicans start enforcing the law instead of being the friends of law breakers such as employers who hire illegals and undermine the middle class. And this posting from Online Human Events (Jerome R. Corsi) is excellent, and adds a touch of humor (viz Maybe Bush has decided to work secretly for the election of Hillary Clinton as President in 2008. Since the 2004 election, Bush has gone out of his way several times to talk warmly about President Bill Clintons budding friendship with his father, Bush 41) for which Bushies cannot decipher much less have a handle on reality. Bushs polling is in the toilet, and the reason isnt Iraq but outrage from the Republican base regarding many of the issues Corsi mentions in his article. After all, if Bushs polling in the toilet is simply about his Iraq policy, then why the polling regarding approval of the Democratic Party itself which is even lower than Bush, the Democratic Party largely leading the way on criticism regarding the War in Iraq?
The fact of the matter is, largely contributing to Bushs poor polling is the base of the Republican Party is really having enough of him and his salivating Bushies excusing and doting with applause his every bad decision, be it from Harriet Miers, to his goofy ecology spin and sell out on domestic oil exploration, his kow-towing to China and Fox, the stupid politically tone-deaf port deal, and six years of total sell out and betrayal of working Americans regarding the illegal alien invasion and his refusal to enforce current laws against law breaking employers who hire illegals, on and on - enough of this because we are tired of the Viva Bushies and their stupid Viva Bush! bumper stickers. We are being lied to by the Bush Administration in regards to this invasion from South of the Border the left tells us Bush Lied, People Died, but what is really going on around here is we are being told by Bush we need to all wake up and smell the refried beans, the real lie isnt about Iraq and WMDs, its about this ture numbers regarding this invasion: Bush Lied, Beans Fried.