To: Supernatural; potlatch; ntnychik; PhilDragoo; devolve; OXENinFLA; bitt; La Enchiladita; ...
HONEST I wasn't drunk when I drove off that bridge!
475 posted on
04/10/2006 3:50:11 PM PDT by
(Si vis pacem, para bellum)
To: Smartass
Ted "The Bloviator" Kennedy and the truth are total strangers to each other.
See him support the enemies of the United States. Live on TV today.
I saw it myself.
It made me nauseated.
484 posted on
04/10/2006 3:55:07 PM PDT by
(When they come a wull staun ma groon, Staun ma groon al nae be afraid)
To: Smartass
Hi SmartA, you're still here, lol. I'm staying out of the fight, if you hadn't noticed!!
566 posted on
04/10/2006 5:17:50 PM PDT by
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