I have to admit that Clinton and his antics had me fooled. I really bought into the idea that a crazy white guy had a bone to pick and acted on his own or with a couple buddies.
A certain book really opened my eyes to serious gaps and questions that are due serious answers. I started to read a bit more about the happenings.
I think the Clinton regime buried this in order to keep the liberal agenda alive. His liberal agenda was based on the idea that Al qaeda ( or any other terrorist entity) really thinks they have won the war the instant their enemy begins to battle back.
I really think he had the idea that the only way to beat them was to deny them battle they would just give up and go on to something else. This resulted in attacks that gained frequency and scale culminating in 9 11. Failure to admit that today is where I think all the bush hate comes from....frustration from being so wrong.
Now maybe I am simply nuts and finding things in ideas that make no sense in reality but one truth I know.....Clinton would not go after Saddam no matter what.
He would have lost his liberal base support so action was a non starter.
One question, I saw a picture of jose padilla next to a sketch of a possible third terrorist. Is it my imagination that I see similarities there? Am
i a looney tune for thinking that maybe, just maybe this would explain all the hub bub about him?