I know, I might be willing to see the GOP lose control of Congress over a tough stand on illegal immigration but I sure am hell not willing to see us lose control by circling the wagons around Delay, a guy who had become so much a part of the wallpaper in Washington he couldn't see any possible areas where the federal budget could be cut as he said last fall.
I said during Clinton's impeachment the most disgraceful spectacle wasn't so much Clinton's wagging finger or Clinton on tape questioning the definition of the word "is," but rather the Democrats circling the wagons around Clinton like he was some mafia don. Granted Delay hasn't been found guilty of anything, but the taint is so bad that the GOP will only destroy whatever minimal political fortunes it has left by being seen circling the wagons. No, perhaps if this was not already going to be a gruesome year for the GOP in the midterms, but not under these circumstances, no way, no how. Delay is just not worth it.
And once again, I'm really getting tired of those like the wingnuts at NewsMax trying to turn the GOP into a suicide cult.
Let's apply the "Michael Jackson" test to DeLay;
1. If you've been accused once, you just might be a victim of circumstance or the target of someone with an agenda.
2. If you've been accused twice, after being acquitted the first time, you just might be the unluckiest individual on the planet (or a dumbass unable to learn from the past).
3. if you're accused a third time (or fourth, or fifth), there just might be something to it.
I don't mind wagon-circling, but how about wagon-circling for something that matters? If DeLay had died five years ago in a car accident, would that have changed the political landscape to such an extent that a republican majority was unthinkable? If DeLay was all that effective a leader, then why do we have bigger deficits and more federal spending than ever? Sorry, but the country and the party are bigger than one man with a perpetual black cloud hanging over him.
Good riddance.