The teaching of any type of sexuality certainly does not belong in the elementary school. Health classes in junior high should take care of the birds and the bees if the parents haven't already had this type of talk. Informing as to sexual practices should not be the bailiwick of teachers. They are far too biased toward the peripheral rather than the norm. Whatever happens, we should protect young children from indoctrination by the politically correct.
I really question whether the schools are even qualified to speak about the birds and bees any longer. The schools have become a marketplace for fringe groups to sell their wares. Each of these pro-gay or even ex-gay videos, books and other materials has a price tag. When you go to the websites that peddle this material you will see what I am talking about. Someone is making a lot of money off this nonsense. And I would guess a chunk of the profits gets used to fund the activism, which promotes the materials, which funds the activism....and some gets back to the politicians who promote the policies that use the materials, that fund the activism....etc.
There are approximately 27,000 high schools in the United States (public and private). I would guess just as many middle schools and twice the number of elementary schools. So for the sake of argument, let's say we are talking about approximately 100,000 public schools. Sell one $20 video to each school and you gross $2,000,000. Sell a $10 book and you get a quick mil. Some schools buy more copies and some none, and while some of the materials cost signifcantly more, none probably cost less. So this is just rounding for the sake of argument. There's a lot of money in this propaganda business.