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To: blackie


121 posted on 04/04/2006 3:04:33 PM PDT by afnamvet (Enforcement First!)
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To: afnamvet; Travis McGee; HiJinx; janetgreen
Here's the latest from Roy Beck:

   From:   Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date:   Wednesday 5APR06     2:30 a.m. EDT
1st big vote on giant amnesty is Thursday ... Very important to pour the heat on today

Thanks for the scores of reports you all have sent us about your visits to Senators' local offices today and your special phone calls.

Two days in a row of visits are starting to make quite an impression on many of these offices. Don't underestimate the power of staffers at any level to begin to help change where a politician stands on things -- even if ever so slightly.

Wednesday is especially important because the Senators will finally have their chance on Thursday (by current schedule) to stand on the side of a massive amnesty for illegal aliens or stand for the rule of law and against an amnesty.

Several of us from the NumbersUSA staff and Board of Directors just shared a dinner and a long evening up on Capitol Hill with four congressional chairmen -- assessing the political lay of the land.

Here are some things to relay to you before you begin another day of pressure on your Senators a few hours from now:

1. Yes, we are faced with the possibility of the Senate -- and maybe even the whole Congress -- passing horrendous immigration legislation. But it is good to finally have the battle joined, to have the whole nation paying attention and talking about the problems of our immigration policies. Even if we lose this year, the process will have awakened enough Americans from their apathy that our movement can immediately begin a backlash to overturn the bad deeds of this Congress and finally bring about real reform that re-establishes the rule of law and dramatically cuts overall immigration back down toward traditional numbers.

2. We can still win this year. It is still possible to keep any amnesty from getting the 60 Senate votes required to beat the filibuster that our allies have promised. Our win may simply be that the Senate cannot pass an immigration bill this year. And even if we lose in the Senate, it is still possible to put enough pressure on House Republican leaders to keep any of the immigration increases from getting through. We saw no signs of weariness or unwillingness to keep up the fight from these Members of Congress tonight.

3. These Congressmen were all very clear that the amnesty would have swept through Congress long ago if not for the persistent pressure of regular citizens who refuse to let the elites of their business organizations, their churches, their unions, their political parties and their voluntary organizations speak for them in their advocacy for amnesty. The People are speaking like never before, they said.

4. Of all the voices out there making a difference in Congress, the volume from citizens responding to NumbersUSA Action Alerts is by far the loudest and most influential -- a truly new phenomenon in the immigration battle.

5. These congressional chairmen and leaders for immigration reduction are thankful to all of you who financially make it possible for NumbersUSA to have a team of professional legislative analysts working on the Hill providing full-time, round-the-clock assistance to every Member of Congress who needs help in pursuing immigration-reduction goals. Nobody equals the assistance to the cause on Capitol Hill like our Rosemary Jenks and her Capitol Hill Team, they said.

6. The immigration battle is the most important part of a larger, long-term battle over whether the United States should remain primarily a self-governing nation state, or whether it should merge in various ways with other countries and give over more and more decision-making to global bodies. The latter is being pursued by both Pres. Bush and his many globalist-business Republican supporters and by many Democrats who are guided by neo-Marxist ideologies concerning nations. Most Americans don't realize that the high-immigration pressures are mainly at the service of those two camps.

in this email:

2. Most important Senators to pressure today

3. Some very important things to learn from your reports of visits to Senators' local offices

4. Kind of an apology for speaking sternly
actions in brief:
Follow the hour-to-hour action on Senate floor -- and links to talking points, analyses and actions to take -- at:

Visit your Senators' local offices (or phone them and DC). Get phone numbers & office addresses at:

Get info from all previous Action Alerts at:

Check for your latest free faxes to send to Congress & the Administration at:
donate now:
This faxing system is 100% financed by the voluntary generosity of the 140,000-
plus Americans who use it.

Please click here to make any sized donation to keep this grassroots phenomenon strong and effective.

2. Most important Senators to pressure today
Because of filibuster promises from our allies, at least 60 of the 100 Senators will have to vote for ending debate on the amnesty for it to have a chance to be passed.

Pro-amnesty Senators suggest that they have at least 55 votes for an amnesty.

It is imperative that we stop any other Senators from joining them -- and that we continue to work on some of the Senators to drop off the pro-amnesty list.

Your NumbersUSA staff has been tied up with some extraordinarily critical work today related to our country's physical security. NumbersUSA has spent months of behind the scenes work with whistle-blowers inside the Department of Homeland Security dealing with terrifying corruption and misfeasance. The results of these efforts will break out into public Thursday with a sensational congressional hearing.

As a result of that work on the security front today, we did not get our own Senate headcount. So, I am going to pass on a list of fence-sitters that was sent to its members by FAIR, another immigration-reduction organization working to stop this amnesty.

I continue to urge you to contact both of your Senators regardless of whether they are thought to be hardened in their position. But if you see your Senator on this list, please don't miss an opportunity today to voice your opinion:

FAIR SAYS: These Senators are reportedly on the fence about which way they will vote-for special interest or the public interest. Please call these Senators to tell them to vote against the Specter legislation and the Frist legislation. We need to adopt border security and enforcement only provisions like S. 2377 introduced by Senators Nelson, Coburn and Sessions.

Call these Senators' offices now!

Sen. Lott R-MS (202) 224-6253
Sen. Allen R-VA (202) 224-4024
Sen. Allard R-CO (202) 224-5941

Sen. Bond R-MO (202) 224-5721
Sen. Burns R-MT (202) 224-2644
Sen. Chambliss R-GA (202) 224-3521

Sen. Cornyn R-TX (202) 224-2934
Sen. Hatch R-UT (202) 224-5251
Sen. Dorgan D-ND (202) 224-2551

Sen. Kyl R-AZ (202) 224-4521
Sen. Sununu R-NH (202) 224-2841
Sen. Ensign R-NV (202) 224-6244

Sen. Rockefeller D-WV (202) 224-6472
Sen. Stabenow D-MI (202) 224-4822
Sen. Feinstein D-CA (202) 224-3841

Sen. Frist R-TN (202) 224-3344
Sen. Talent R-MO (202) 224-6154
Sen. Thomas R-WY (202) 224-6441

Sen. DeMint R-SC (202) 224-6121
Sen. Burr R-NC (202) 224-3154
Sen. Bennett R-UT (202) 224-5444

Sen. Hutchison R-TX (202) 224-5922
Sen. Snowe R-ME (202) 224-5344
Sen. Enzi R-WY (202) 224-3424

Sen. McConnell R-KY (202) 224-2541
Sen. Murkowski R-AK (202) 224-6665
Sen. Santorum R-PA (202) 224-6324

Sen. Thune R-SD (202) 224-2321
Sen. Bunning R-KY (202) 224-4343

3. Some very important things to learn from your reports of visits to Senators' local offices
I and about 25 others went to Chambliss and Isakson offices yesterday. Spoke with staffers and made our points. One of the group was a lady from Austria who entered the U.S. the legal way and let the staffers know how upset she is about the Government doing nothing about the illegals. Some came due to hearing a local radio show WGST announce the plan. Others came because we get your messages and do things together frequently.
-------------------Jane in Marietta, GA

We had ten people at Senator Coleman's office today.
Sorry it was not more but I just started a week ago with
MINN-SIR. We are planning on marching again this week or weekend and with have more people. Being 5 days old and with three days notice for the march today, I think we did pretty good.

I travelled yesterday 80 miles(both ways) from S.Padre Isle. to
Harlingen, TX to my Senators shared office. I left a letter for the Senators with the aide. Had a pleasant exchange on immigration issues with the aide. Told her I will not vote for any incumbent or candidate who supports Amnesty or guess worker program. I also told her that the Anchor babies citizenship loophole must be stopped.
---------------------Rolando N.

We were to meet at Senator Bennett's office today at 12:00 noon, but his office in St. George was closed. When Bob and I got there late, the people had already decided to have a spontaneous demonstration on the sidewalk outside Sen. Bennett's office, which is just across the street from Sen. Hatch's office (no one was there either). There were 32 people there with flags, signs and posters. The main street, St. George Blvd. was torn up for construction and traffic was being rerouted to Tabenacle where we stood. It was noontime and lots of people going by. Every third car honked, giving us a thumbs up sign. Before long both the news media and the television was there. Don't know who called them. They interviewed several of our folks. We stuck with the message mostly: Control our borders, no amnesty, no guest worker program. All in all a big success.

Whoever can, will be back tomorrow at both offices because we hear the senators' assistants will be there. The reason we were so successful in getting people there is that we had a meeting of Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration on Thursday night and got agreement for many to come. Then we sent our e-mails to our group as well as your e-mails. We even picked up 4 new members! Thanks. We'll let you know about tomorrow.
------------------Phyllis Sears

Dear Roy, yesterday I drove to Orlando to visit the offices of the two Florida Senators. As I was going through the lobby of the office building of Senator Martinez, he was leaving for the airport to fly to Washington, D.C. So I stopped him, introduced myself and told him that I was coming to visit him to vent my frustrations about his support of amnesty and an open border policy.

I explained to him that my wife and I had donated to the State Republican Committee and the RNC, that we had distributed his yard signs and had worked at a Polling location in support of him and President Bush, and now we felt betrayed by the Republican Party. He said he was not in favor of amnesty and believed in strong enforcement of our borders.

I then asked him about his Report Card from NumbersUSA and his first response was that there are a lot of anti-immigrant organizations out there that misrepresent voting records. I assured him that I was not anti-immigrant and did not believe that NumbersUSA held that belief. He did not appear to be familiar with NumbersUSA. I had copied his voting record on immigration from your site and showed him where he had voted for amnesty for agricultural workers on several occasions. He replied that these were agricultural bills and not immigration bills.

He again reiterated his strong position on border enforcement and opposition to amnesty.

However, he did make reference to being fair to those who have been here for a "long time' and have been law abiding, hard working and have become a part of our society.

At this point I showed him the Report Card and he immediately disagreed with the C grade for "border controls" and the B for "interior enforcement".

He said he supported President Bush's position on Immigration Reform. He did not respond to the F grades.

He then said he had to catch a plane to Washington and asked me to walk with him while we continued to talk. He again talked about his strong stand on controlling immigration and that he was being misrepresented.

I told him he needed to get the word out about his position and he said that he was going to appear on the Fox morning show on Tuesday (today) to talk about immigration.

I gave him the Report Card and asked him to check on NumbersUSA and to contact them to straighten out any concerns he had.
In summary Senator Martinez was extremely cordial and spent considerable time talking to me. He seemed very committed to protecting our borders, but I'm still very concerned about his voting record.

Next I went to the office of Senator Bill Nelson, where I spoke to a Mr. Juan Lopez who has the title of Constituent Advocate. Again, I told him why I was there and of my disappointment with Senator Nelson and his position on amnesty and open borders.

I gave him a copy of his Grade Card with a hand written note to Mr. Nelson saying that he was a disgrace to this country and his position in Congress, due to his failure to protect our borders.

Mr. Lopez was very cordial and at times seemed to agree with my points on needing to stop the influx of immigrants because it was not fair to our citizens or the immigrants, who are often taken advantage of by employers here.

Overall, I believe it was a morning well spent. But I it will take many of these contacts by many people to have any impact.

----------------Bill Berry

FROM ROY: Most of you will never run into a real live Senator -- and most Senators will never run into a real live regular citizen. But this kind of encounter could never happen if lots and lots of you aren't out there a lot of the time giving it a chance to happen. Bill's success belongs to all of you who have made the effort this week.


A lot of you are reporting that staffers are disbelieving the Grade Cards. That is good because it suggests that they don't want bad immigration grades.

Those staffers probably need to see our entire record of their votes on which the grades are based.

You can print that record by going to our Immigration Profiles grades at:

That takes you to a map (like on the Grade Cards). Click on the state and then the name and you will see an amazing record of every immigration action taken by a Member of Congress since 1989.

Then you can talk about actual votes and co-sponsorships.

My wife, an American born in Texas to Mexican parents, and I went to Senator Martinez office today and saw no one else but the staffer. He was very polite and listened to what we had to saw. I think he was impressed about our knowledge of Martinez position on illegal aliens. We were there for about 20 minutes while he listened. The phone was fairly busy with callers asking about Martinez position on this issue. I can tell you, Martinez is no friend of Florida voters having a 100% record against American Citizens. My wife and I informed the staffer that we would never vote for him again. I have two grandsons of Mexican decent and two nephews of Cuban decent. My family are all Americans first!!! I have the whole family involved including cousins in Georgia.

I spent three hours on hwy 60 in Brandon with a sign against illegal alien amnesty.
-------------------------Robert Luckey

I met with one of the Staff members of Pat Roberts from the State of Kanas today. He indicated that Senator Roberts believed we needed to shore up the borders before anything else pertaining to illegal immigration. I also went to Sen. Brownback's but his office was locked at 4 PM
--------------------Dale Hunter, Overland Park, Kansas

I went to Norm Coleman’s office (R-MN). I told the receptionist that I wanted to speak to someone about Border Security & Immigration Reform. They asked “Do you have comments?” I said “Yes”. They handed me a sheet of paper to write my comments. I filled out the entire front of the sheet and attached the “Immigration Grades” and the NumberUSA voting analysis. They said “We’ll make sure the Senator gets this.” I bet. Hope this does some good. I’m wigging out over these issues.
--------------Todd Holm, a soldier in the trenches

Two members of C4ICE - Citizens (of Pennsylvania) for Immigration Control and Enforcement, Alice Moffett and Marge Adelsberger, visited Senator Santorum’s office, Suite 960, in the Widener Bldg. at Broad and Chestnuts Streets in Phiadelphia, PA on Monday, April 3.

We talked to Erling Salvesen III and gave him material for Senator Santorum’s review. We included in the package, the
Senator’s immigration voting record (C), newspapers articles which presented the problems associated with giving illegal aliens guest worker/amnesty status, letters to the editor from people who were opposed to illegal immigration, his response to some of our letters on illegal immigration, as well as signature
sheets from people opposed to illegal immigration. We explained our position and told him that, although there are some 20 million illegal aliens presently residing in the United States, there are over 200 million U.S. citizens whom he is supposed to represent.

He said that Senator Santorum is opposed to any kind of guest worker/amnesty program. We told him that was not our impression. He said it was unfortunate that we had not made an appointment to speak with one of Senator Santorum’s aides. We asked if one was available and he said, “no”. We asked if the senator calls his office on a daily basis so that he would be
aware of our visit and he said, “yes”. Mr. Salvesen said that he would pass the information on to the Senator.

We then went to Senator Specter’s office building at the Wm. Greene Federal Building, 600 Arch Street, Suite 9400, Philadelphia, PA. Since this is a federal building, it is necessary to show identification and to be screened for weapons, etc. When we told the security guards that we wanted to
visit Senator Specter’s office, they asked if we had an appointment. We told them, “no”. They said anyone who did not have an appointment was not allowed up to the office. We asked if we could call his office to see if we could get an appointment.

When we couldn’t get through to the number we were given, we asked the guard to call. He asked where we were from and we gave him our C4ICE card. His whole attitude changed. He called Senator Specter’s office and was asked how many of us were in our group. He told them there were just two of us. (From what we understand, Senator Specter was expecting some
protestors on Monday.) The aide said we could not come up to the office but he would come down to the lobby to meet with us. We waited 15 minutes; he finally came down.

While we were waiting for Mr. Kenneth Altman from Senator Specter’s office, the guard came over and asked if our group was similar (had the same ideals) as the Minutemen. We said, “yes”. He had a very positive reaction. We explained to Mr. Altman our position on illegal immigration and just why we were there. We gave him Senator Specter’s scorecard (F-).
We gave him most of the material we had given to Senator Santorum except for the response letter (Specter never responds) and the sheets of signature pages from those opposed to illegal immigration. We told him the Senators work for us. He just nodded his head and said he would pass it along.
------------------Marge Adelsberger

Four Idaho residents arrived at Senator Larry Craig's office in Boise, Idaho. The office manager was very kind and we did appreciate her attention, in fact she identified each one us and recorded our complaints about most all aspects of Immigration reform including guest-worker amnesty.
--------------------Jack, Doug, Larry and Robert, Boise, Idaho

It is now clear that BOTH GA Senator’s are not doing what WE the people are telling them to do. I just got off the phone with both Senator’s offices and both Senators are in favor of a Guest worker program of some kind. Senator Isakson showed his true colors this morning on C-Span. He wants a guest worker program. In other words a revolving door for industry in the USA. Senator Chambliss wants the same thing he just calls it a different name.
-------------Jeff Bates, Dalton, GA

Just wanted to let you know I took a half day off work today to visit both my CA Senators' offices in Los Angeles. This was interesting to say the least. Senator Boxer's office was the first because it was closest, if that is ever a proper term in this city, so off I went to downtown Los Angeles. If you've never been there it can be an infuriating mix of few parking lots, one way streets and barricades. Lots of fun to navigate, especially around the extremely inaccessible Courthouse building where Ms. Boxer has chosen to place her LA office. I can't think of a harder place to get to in LA when driving a car there. It took me 20 mins just to find parking several blocks away. Then her office is in the most distant corner of the top floor, down a hall behind a wierd opaque door that has a Door Must Stay Closed sign on it and it is not clear you can go through it, but I did and her office was last one down the hall. The people were nice enough but I did sense some How Dare He from a few of the nice ladies there. I spoke with Adolfo Bailon, Sr Field Representative. He was pleasant enough, and did a lot of nodding, but you could tell he was open borders all the way as Boxer has a record of being.

Anyway, I asked him how this Amnesty would be any different from the 1986 Amnesty that increased illegal immigration exponentially while promising enforcement, and he had no answers. He tried to talk a little about the Senator wanting a "comprehensive" bill that included border enforcement but when I pressed for specifics on what would change to make this "enforcement" really happen, and be accounted for, and what specific measures would be implemented to ensure the enforcement worked as intended, he tapdanced and prevaricated.

He said Senator Boxer opposes HR 4437 and I told him that was exactly the problem here and her poor record is why I felt I needed to show up there. I showed them pictures of my kids who are 9 and 7 and asked him what kind of a state or a nation would they be growing up with if we grant Amnesty now and are flooded with the inevitable tens of millions more who will come when they know we reward illegal border crashing? He really looked shocked that I showed him my kids' pictures. Anyway I don't expect much to come from this visit but it made me feel better. Adolfo promised to relay my concerns to the Senator so I hope I made a big impression.

I then traveled to Senator Feinstein's office across town in Santa Monica. Her office was much more accessible, near the freeway and with decent street parking. And her office is not hidden away like Boxer's is. It's findable in a large office building. But her staff was almost worse. They have a controlled reception area with a glass window and a locked entry door, and they meet with you in that environment. Another guy was there when I got there, he was putting his comments in writing. When the staffer came out to s/w me and I gave her my opinion of her boss's outrageous support of Amnesty last week, he looked at her and said I agree with everything this guy just said.

Overall I'm glad I did this. Thanks for the inspiration. I sure hope the House has the courage to block the inevitable Senate Amnesty bill.
---------------------------Robert Kalmey
Los Angeles, CA

I did make it to Sen. McCain's Phoenix office yesterday. I asked to talk with someone and she told me they could forward my concerns or comments to the Senator, they didn't have someone that could talk with me, they didn't want to speak for the Senator, to put words in his mouth. She seemed nervous or upset in some way, maybe too many people contacting them. I left a letter stating my concerns for her to give to the Senator.

I will be awaiting my next action, I have forwarded the email for recruiting new folks to everyone I know. Thank you for being there for us!
-------------------------James Hanson

Went by K B Huchesons at 2:30 Pm 4/3/06. Was the only person there. Cornyn office at 3:00...4 people there. Had a lively discussion with staff. I think we need to be more adament in urging people to get out to the offices.
-------------------------Jim Shannon, Texas

Roy, my wife and I visited Senator Salazar's Denver office at 12:45pm today and went over the senator's dismal immigration reduction voting record (D- grade) with the receptionist, pointing out in writing how Senator Salazar could improve and be more like his Democratic collegues Byron Dorgen (A-) and Robert Byrd (B+).

At around 1:40pm we were at Senator Allard's Littleton, CO office and spoke to his receptionist in regard to his immigration reduction voting record (C grade), left our written requests, and those of other family members, requesting that Senator Allard continue standing up for United States Citizens and vote NO amnesty of any kind for illegal aliens and NO increase in guest workers.
----------------------Emerson Droullard, Colorado

Just wanted to let you know I did go to Cornyn's office today @ 1 p.m. I was the only one there but had apparently just missed a group of people. I was on my way to work and didn't have talking points or grade cards and was pretty much unprepared so I just briefly explained to the staffer how illegal immigration has affected the people in my household as far as work opportunities available, and stressed that there should be no amnesty/guest worker program.The staffer assured me that Cornyn has no intention of supporting said amnesty/guest worker program. I suppose we shall see.
---------------------Sarah Hathcock

My husband and I went to Sens. Murray and Cantwell offices in Everett, closest offices to home. Both were CLOSED. Stopped off in Rep. Larsen's office. Told the staffer (Bill Phillips, Senior Constituent Services Rep.) to thank Larsen for voting FOR H.R.4437 (surprise of my life). Asked him if Larsen had any kind of relation with our two senators and was told there was none except on specific projects when they were working on them together.

Drove all the way to downtown Seattle. Sen. Murray's office was open, but there was nobody there to talk to except a receptionist. We both wrote messages to Sen. Murray and left them together with her grade card, a map of future USA (greatly shrunk) and Mexico (greatly enlarged) plus photos of Mexican flag flying over upside-down flag of USA in Montebello, CA. Receptionist gave us a copy of Sen. Murray's speech on the Senate floor on Mar.30 to "share her perspective and priorities on immigration reform" which almost made me puke when I read them.

Sen. Cantwell's office was also open. We were told that there was one couple ahead of us talking to the staffer about immigration. We asked if we could join them but they would not let us. We were disappointed that there were no other activists waiting in line. Talked to (Lawrence) Jay Pearson, Constituent Services Director. It took only seconds to find out which side of the immigration fence he is on. When we said we would like to see the Senate come up with a bill similar to H.R. 4437, he said that "that bill is all wrong and was put together by right-wing radicals". When I pointed out that he was the same only on the left side he said he considered himself a "moderate". He also said that it was highly unlikely that our input would change Sen. Cantwell's position.
---------------------Antje (Gunnar)

My finance and I took off from work today and visited our elected Members of Congress - In the Senate that is John Warner and George Allen and in the House, Frank Wolf. We were cordially received in all quarters,and we were armed with our personal message, a letter we both signed and the report card on each member from Numbers USA. Sen. Warner's "immigration" person, Lena Munesifi, was in a meeting so we left our letter, the Report Card and a message about the importance of this issue to us. We spoke to George Allen's staffer Andrew Guggenheim (yes, Guggenheim) who was very courteous to us, despite our un-announced visit and the fact that he too was running off to a meeting. Finally, we had a nice chat with Frank Wolf's staffer Courtney Schlieter. This was a terrific exercise in democracy. It is literally the first time I have ever done such a thing, even though I have lived in Northern Virginia for over 30 years. This issue is the most important thing to come along in many years. And while Senator John Kerry is now shamelessly making political ads in Spanish (pretty bad Spanish at that) we are doing all we can to try to plug the hole in the dike of American culture, values and way of life. Thank you Numbers USA for all you do. I already contribute to you, but may have to increase my commitment to you this year to help you with your noble mission.
-------------------Frank Sbults, McLean, VA

My friend and I went to Hillary Clinton's office and were told by the front desk that without an appointment we couldn't see anyone. He also told us that he turned about 50 to 60 people away while he was on duty already today because they didn't have an appointment either. While we were standing there one of Hillary Clinton's staffer came down to escort someone up to her office. I took the opportunity and walked right up to him and asked politely if we could speak to someone from senator Clinton's office. I told him that we wanted to talk about her immigration-reduction report card and how upset we were regarding her record. He insisted that we had to make an appointment. I did ask him to please make a note about our visit.

We also went to Charles Schumers office across the street. We did not go to the front desk and bypassed even a doorman who seemed occupied. The front desk was surrounded by a group of people and so it was possible to get to the elevator without anyone stopping us. We got to see the staffer at the reception desk and spoke to him about Charles Schumers immigration-reduction report card. He said that they were aware of it and had it in their possession. He was polite, took our name and addresses, and made notes of our complaints.

My friend and myself will try again the day after tomorrow to go to Hillary Clinton's office. This time we will make an appointment.

Thank you for the tremendous work you are doing for our Country. You are very much appreciated by all those who love America. God bless you dear Roy and may HIS Angels guide, direct and keep you, your Family and all those who work with you safe always.
-----------------Eva Baumann

I went to Senator Sam Brownback's office this afternoon right before I went to work out at the gym. It got me hyped! I had a great workout!

I simply said that I had been out on the internet and was at and was very dissappointed that the senator got an F on his report card regarding the immigration issue. I also said that he is voting like a liberal democrat and wanted to know if that was what he was now. I said we voted for him becasue we thought he was a conservative republican, and now he is voting just as the liberal democrats do. What is he now I asked her to ask him to clarify.
--------------Huffman, Topeka KS

I visited Senator Feinstein’s office this morning. It was over an hour’s drive. There were eight or nine people in the lobby area waiting to go up. Another half dozen or so were outside with signs. The lobby security was controlling the number of people allowed upstairs. I was told there were two groups of four waiting to meet with a representative of the senator. I spoke with some of the other people waiting. It was good conversation, sharing information…waiting. About forty-five minutes later we were told the senator’s representative had other commitments at 1pm and would not be able to meet with any more people.

Security had been told that two people would be allowed to go upstairs and they should bring with them whatever handouts/letters that we had.

I gave my mother’s handwritten letter and emails from my two daughters to a woman I had met, Robin Hvidston. She had given me a business card for “Citizens for Securing our Borders”. I asked her to be sure and tell the representative that a ‘real person’ had driven to the senator’s office to deliver these.

From West Los Angeles I drove to Senator Boxer’s office in downtown L.A. I did not see any other people visiting the senator’s office during the early afternoon. I was able to go up to the 17th floor and I spoke with Adolfo Bailon, Senior Field Representative for the senator. From what I could tell I was the only person there regarding immigration reform. Mr. Bailon was pleasant, he listened to my concerns. I began with a conciliatory concern in my voice then built up to a more adamant conclusion. We will support those senators who support enforcement of our borders. We will not support those who vote for amnesty.

I agree with you, it is foolhardy to plan a public demonstration unless we can guarantee a significant turn out. To do less would be a disservice to this cause. Thank you for your website and for all of the information you are making available to us.
-----------------Karen Zimmerman

I visited the offices of Senator Barrack Obama today... But here's something you might NOT have considered.
I arrived at 12:45 only to find that all of the staffers were out to lunch..... I was however able to meet with Ken Bennett for the director of the Illinois office but only for a very short time. Seems I pulled him away from a conference call Still I think I made some points..... not that Obama (Mr. Bennett) will change his mind
-------------------Bob Johnson

Just got back from Sen. Hatch's SLC office. I was able to speak with Sharon Garn the Director of Casework. I'm afraid the anger and emotion came out a few too many times. After it was all over I came to the conclusion that I must have hit some raw nerves with her when I started hitting point after point. After I told her Sen. Hatch had a terrible record on immigration and gave her his report card she really got unnerved and said it wasn't true. I said I'd be glad to send her a book full of his past votes.

After I questioned Hatch's commitment to real immigration reform and asked for a commitment to not support a guest worker program she was very non-committal and tried to tell me how much he had done for the state of Utah by getting an ICE enforcement team located in a non-border state. She didn't get the fact that a guest worker program is amnesty. She didn't much like the idea of local police enforcing immigration because she said ICE is concerned about it. Myself and another lower immigration advocate spent approx 30 min. voicing our concerns. I came away very disturbed at how much these people are out of touch. As I've known for some time this Senator is not to be trusted. He needs a constant reminder of who he represents. I told her he's out there half the time representing non-citizens with advocating guest worker programs. This burned her up good. She agreed to pass on my comments to the Washington team about Securing the Border, Interior Enforcement, Cutting off Benefits to Illegals and no Guest worker/Amnesty.

Couldn't even get a staffer in Sen. Bennett?s office. I had to speak with the receptionist who was offended that I wanted to speak with someone else.

Here in New Jersey we are represented by a couple of senators with "F" ratings on immigration. I have written letters and called their offices many times over the past couple weeks. There is no doubt at all they will vote with the enemy no matter what the citizens think. Went to visit Ffrank Lautenberg @ his office in Camden today but was turned away by armed guards; no visitors allowed - ever! Typical frank. Robert menendez had no one in the office to talk to but I left written and verbal messages with the secretary. My opinion of these two dirtbags is - utter contempt; wretched reprobates.
--------------Alex L., South Jersey

I prepared my papers, picture of my father from WWII, etc. When I entered Sen. Cornyn's office there were eight people there. There was only one poor little girl staffer that was almost in tears because of the anger expressed at our govt. Finally an older lady came out and started to get defensive and began to try and deflect the criticism with double talk about no amnesty but guest worker program...

I then went to Sen. Hutchinson's office where the door was locked. I rang the bell and was asked if I had an appointment. I stated that I did not but am a constituent of hers and wanted to speak with an immigration staffer. I was told to go down stairs and join the demonstration there. ( I did not see one upon my arrival and ascent.) I replied that if I was not let in that I would call the press. At that point I was allowed entrance to her office. I then met with a very nice lady that agreed with every thing that I said. As I understand it, the Senator did not really want a guest worker program but had been "brain washed" in Washington. When I related that I have only voted Republican my entire life and that I would not vote for Sen. Hutchinson or any other Republican if they agreed with a guest worker program, I was asked what my alternative would be. I stated Independent Arthur Loux as he is tough on immigration. She laughed at me. As I was leaving, there were three young ladies at the door asking to speak with a staffer. They were denied entry!

Before I left each office, I asked this question: What flag are out boys fighting for in Iraq and Afghanistan? Do they know that while they fight and die over there, the President is allowing illegals to take our flag down here and fly the Mexican flag????

Tom Tancredo for President!

George Allen for President!

--------------------------George W. in Flower Mound, TX

I went to Senator Hutchison's and Cornyn's offices here in Houston. The district directors in both offices treated me very well. I took the Numbers charts and suggested that we need to have an evaluation of what is the optimum population for the US. I also took a letter for each of them on Texas for Immigration Reform letterhead. I told them that I represented the over two hundred members of TFIR. I felt that though I never see the senators by leaving a letter it may be passed on. I received a printout from Senator Cornyn of his position on amnesty.

I feel that I can contact both of these directors for further conversations. I told them about the upcoming workshop that TFIR is doing on Wednesday when Nick Swyke from John Culberson's office will be coming to speak on the current legislation, Allyson Nixon will be speaking about CIS. We will be covering the 14th Amendment, anchor babies, crime, medicine and other important items. I hope that I developed enough rapport that when I contact them again I will be heard. This will be the first workshop that we have ever done. We started with an idea a few days ago and I am amazed at the response.

Please the rest of you experiment with your ideas for making contacts and educating. And pass along your ideas.

On the way home I listened on the radio to Representative Henry Bonilla. He said the media talks about the demonstrations but they never mention all the calls, faxes, and emails that people send. He has the district with the largest border section. The Giant Big Bend Park area! He says that the democrats in the area are on board with him about what needs to be done on the border to protect the people living there.
--------------------------Louise Whiteford, President, TFIR

I just wanted to let you know that I went by Sen. Sam Brownbacks office located at 811 N Main, Garden City, KS 67846. NO staff member was even in the office! The receptionist for the building Brownback's office is located in said that the staffer would not be in the office until Wednesday or Thursday. I did leave my copy of Brownback's gradecard and wrote my name and phone number on it. I also wrote a note on the bottom saying we wanted an enforcement only bill with NO amnesty or greencard and visa increases, so I guess we'll see if he bothers to call me when the office is finally staffed.
--------------------Sheila Ellis

4. Roy was too stern in his stern speaking about Monday's turnout at Senators' offices
Dear Roy,

Probably you have already reflected on the message you sent, but may I say that your stern speaking seems misplaced? You have been hoping for an action that is not going to occur, at least not individually, in numbers that will matter to the politicians.

Most of us are far too timid to lead ourselves into action. The spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak.

The illegal immigrant community did not come out in force by individual decision, nor I suspect did their children in the public schools in California. They were inspired, exhorted, and led to protest. I am sure a good reporter can trace the chain that leads from the pro-mass-immigration groups through the ethnic political machine down to the barrio and the classroom.

Likewise, visits to politicians' offices by citizens calling for a humane, rational immigration policy need to be organized, whether the group is three people, a dozen, or a hundred or more. Each such visit is a mass march in miniature, and I strongly suspect that there has never truly been a spontaneous mass protest anywhere in the world. What is needed in this instance is for NumbersUSA members around the country to be encouraged and guided to step forward as local organizers of local actions, which can perhaps set the stage for larger actions.

Excuse these thoughts, which I bet have already sprung up in your own mind or in conversation with your colleagues.



FROM ROY: I am properly chastised by you and many others who emailed me. Too little sleep of late, I guess.

Because of all the emails I had gotten from people saying they were ready to march anywhere, I had thought more would step forward.

But the continuing reports from so many of your visits have left me not disappointed but elated that so many contacts have been made this week.

I know that all of you who have continued to fax and phone from home salute all those who ventured out to make the visits.

This was indeed a spur-of-the-minute experiment to see what would happen. We did not really know. Each office is different. But I hope that you have learned a lot from each other to help continue these visits.

It should be clear that carrying the Grade Cards, the Profiles and some printed talking points can make a visit work well and easily no matter what you encounter.

Thanks to all of you who will be out there today and tomorrow.


138 posted on 04/05/2006 8:14:23 AM PDT by blackie (Be Well~Be Armed~Be Safe~Molon Labe!)
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