Years ago I had a teacher who said the same thing-almost. He opined the population needs to be culled. Disease was almost licked and war did not kill enough people.
At first glance the idea of a mass killing of humans sounds like something a mad scientist would say.
Closer examination tells us exploding populations puts a strain on resources. What is the limit?
Is it more humane to expect a meteorite causing mass extinctions ala, dinosauers?
We move forward with science and technology, or we suffer one of these fates. Funny how every "impending crisis" is staved off. While the little wuss boys weep and say we are doomed, there is another group of people living in reality working to make things better. Scientific progress really confounds the chicken littles.
Or Pol Pot
What color is the sky on your planet?
You put the potential of an astrologic event like a meteor strike in terms of "humaneness"? Gosh, lets all vote on it. I am in favor of a humane meteor strike (LOL). By the way, I am also in favor of the Sun being turned down, it gets really hot in the summer.