So, do we just keep importing a few million third world unskilled, uneducated workers every damn year?
Well with 7,500 GM workers getting paid just to watch television and sit around all day. I'd say yes(as guest workers, not citizens).
BTW, how come you aren't applying for a vegetable picker or janitorial job, also I do not know if you have children, but if you do, would you want them to have a career in vegetable picking or as a janitor or would you expect them to have another career.
It's either that or put a gun to someone's head and force them to do those jobs. Rather than forced employment, some people perfer a more humane solution to the labor shortage. Out of the goodness of their hearts they propose allowing more peasants to come here... as long as those peasants know their place, of course.
Obviously, yes, as the pro illegal crowd don't even mention the legals that are waiting to come in. The liberals are determined to reward illegality, and stick a finger in the eye of the folks who want to do it legally. Just like they want to reward businessmen who circumvent the law by hiring illegals, killing the businesses of the guys who go by the book. Is there a pattern here?