I did my time in the fields, Dane. My family is in the "biz" as it were. I used the knowledge and experience I gained bucking hay, changing irrigation pipes and castrating bullcalves to move on. Obviously, you think that Americans don't need entry-level work; that somehow we're all born with a middle-management spoon in our mouths.
I would much rather pay directly for labor though higher commodity prices that pay for it indirectly though government taxation. Either way, I pay for it. And so do you, if you pay taxes.
Then why aren't you in the "biz" now.
You are just like your hero tom tancredo. I beleive his family owned a business, but looking over tom tancredo's resume, he hasn't worked in a wealth creating business, only in govt. jobs(teacher, legislator) or in a non-wealth producing think tank.