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Georgia takes a stand
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review ^
| 3-31-06
| Dimitri Vassilaros
Posted on 03/31/2006 9:29:40 PM PST by smoothsailing
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To: doug from upland
Leave it up to the South to perform this duty. Sometimes I think the only real Americans left are there. But, you'd think Texas would pave the way in this matter, except they've become so dependent on illegal labor (a foreshadowing) I don't think they'd take one step in this direction, or am I wrong? Faithful sons of Texas, please speak!
I'm stuck in a blue state that's been overrun with illegals to the level that I can't begin to address this situation except to flee South at some point......
posted on
04/01/2006 5:52:04 AM PST
john drake
(roman military maxim: "oderint dum metuant, i.e., let them hate, as long as they fear")
To: TonyRo76
Either of you willing to trade us for Kucinich and Cleveland?
Thank God for my senators. Frist and Alexander. We might be hillbillies here in Tennessee but we know how to vote. LOL
posted on
04/01/2006 5:53:40 AM PST
(Smoke 'em if you got ,em!)
To: john drake
I'm stuck in a blue state that's been overrun with illegals to the level that I can't begin to address this situation except to flee South at some point......
Well we'd love to have you in Tennessee but you'd have to fight Mexicans up to your eyeballs here, too.
posted on
04/01/2006 5:59:30 AM PST
(Smoke 'em if you got ,em!)
To: beckysueb
You know, I don't believe there are 10 to 12 million illegal aliens in this country, of which half are Mexican. I think it's more than twice that. I'm in Chicago, and everywhere I look I seen Hispanics; city, suburbs and even rural areas. This is an invasion; you can't call it anything else. I've read that in Mexico, young men have left whole towns and headed El Norte; the towns are deserted of men between the ages of 18 and 40..... U.S. Business and government have been looking the other way for decades now and we're about to reap what we sow. It's going to get bumpy, fasten your seat belts.
posted on
04/01/2006 6:08:06 AM PST
john drake
(roman military maxim: "oderint dum metuant, i.e., let them hate, as long as they fear")
To: john drake
I am convinced you are right. The number of illegal aliens in the US is probably double and perhaps triple the official estimates. In my state, I would estimate that fully one in every five or six persons I see in and near the malls, restaurants, and big box shopping areas (and yes, you can tell) is an illegal alien (very often entire familes). In and near construction sites it is probably half--all men between the ages of about 16 and 35.
posted on
04/01/2006 6:20:16 AM PST
To: smoothsailing
Please tell me 2 things:
1.This is NOT an Aptil Fools joke.
2. Someone will closely check Cynthia McKinney's paperwork and determine if she is, in fact, a legal citizen of USA.
To: Jim_Curtis
I don't see anything there that makes this look like a serious plan to tackle the problem. I didn't realize employers were getting tax write offs for illegal aliens now they can't...hurray. ""
Any employer gets to deduct the costs of payroll- whether illegal or legal employees. There is not 2 sets of payroll figures- usually-.
To: smoothsailing
They will deport themselves when we turn off the free dollars.
posted on
04/01/2006 6:40:29 AM PST
AD from SpringBay
(We have the government we allow and deserve.)
To: ridesthemiles
Any employer gets to deduct the costs of payroll- whether illegal or legal employees. There is not 2 sets of payroll figures- usually-. But it means that he can hire illegals but just can't claim them. They wouldn't use that language if they were trying to show the employers that they are forbidding them from hiring illegals.
posted on
04/01/2006 7:26:52 AM PST
(Massive immigration is a modern day slave trade with the poorest citizens feeling the whip)
To: john drake
posted on
04/01/2006 7:32:48 AM PST
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: john drake
You know, I don't believe there are 10 to 12 million illegal aliens in this country, of which half are Mexican. I think it's more than twice that. The 10 to 12 million you are hearing about are the ones spread over the US. The other half you mention are in Aberdeen, North Carolina. Every morning when taking my children to school, I see them piled in SUVs, all going to their construction jobs in neighboring Pinehurst where building is absolutely booming right now.
To: smoothsailing
The illegals will take this to the courts, and the courts will kick it out. States have few rights once the courts decided to help the invaders take over our country without firing a shot.
posted on
04/01/2006 7:53:20 AM PST
(I voted for George Bush and got Vicente Fox. Phooey!)
To: smoothsailing
Capital idea.
In case they're hungry from the trip, I know just what to feed them.
posted on
04/01/2006 8:10:02 AM PST
(Non nobis, non nobis, Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam. God, guts, and guns made America great.)
posted on
04/01/2006 8:15:13 AM PST
(FIRE MURTHA-Support Diana Irey--
To: john drake
You know, I don't believe there are 10 to 12 million illegal aliens in this country, of which half are Mexican.
This number is ridiculous. I know for a fact we have around 50,000 in our relatively small community. Take that across the country and look at the big cities and the border states that are over run with them and you have far more than that and that is just Mexicans. We have our share of Arabs and Orientals, too. I would say most of the Orientals are legal. They usually own or run businesses. Of course all our convenience store and motels are run by Arabs. We have whole sections of town that are nothing but Mexican stores. Its getting ridiculous.
posted on
04/01/2006 7:39:36 PM PST
(Smoke 'em if you got ,em!)
To: smoothsailing
Hiring Illegal Aliens violates federal law INA {Sec. 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)}
Penalties: imprisonment-criminal fines-asset forfeiture
Report Employers/Illegal Employees
Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement @ 303-371-3841 x 301
Verify SS#/name @ 1-800-772-6270
Report SS# Fraud @ 1-800-269-0271
posted on
04/01/2006 8:15:54 PM PST
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: TonyRo76
At least I could call him an A_ _ hole and not be called a racist!!
posted on
04/02/2006 8:55:44 PM PDT
(A Scout is T, L, H, F, C, K, O, C, T, B, C, and R.)
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