"show it to me"
I will let the good people of CAIR show you...
More Hispanic women coverting to Islam
Posted on Wed, Oct. 05, 2005
These are Americans converting.
"About 300 Tzozil-Indians have converted to Islam in recent years and it's a development that is beginning to worry the Mexican government, said the Der Spiegel report. The government even suspects the new converts of subversive activity and has already set the secret service onto the track of the Mayan Muslims. Mexican President Vincente Fox has even gone so far as to say he fears the influence of the radical fundamentalists of al-Qaida."
They won't get far south of the border.
I would submit as a postulate that Hispanics constituting a fertile petri dish for an ensuing Islamization of the US is one of great non problems of our times. In fact, they might be an anti-Islamic antidote. In fact, Hispanics when they convert, and they do in very large numbers, tend to the tune of about 80% of the converts, to become Evangelical Protestants. Oh the horror! JMO.