Lindsey Graham: Fein, we've worked together in the past and I share some of your concerns about inherent authority wtihout check. This crowd in the WH really believes this stuff. Will you give them credit for believing what they believe? (What a stupid, stupid question)
Fein: I don't doubt it.
Graham: Good. Because the ydo believe it. To say anything else is a joke. Mr. Dean, this is different from Watergate. Did you believe there was a legal basis for the president to break into the hotel?
Dean: No.
Graham: No one read the constitutin that you or the president could break into watergate. Isn't there a difference between breaking ...
Dean: The president didn't authorit it. I didn't either.
Graham: Did he cover up a crime he knew to be a crime.
Dean: He covered up for national security reasons.
Graham: He covred up to cover his hide.
Graham: That's why you went to jail.
(I think Graham is being ridiculous going back to Watergate, entertaining though it is)
My, you're fast!