Good. Hope you feel the same way when you get fired and try looking for another job, or, you get your taxes jacked through the roof, your car insurance doubles from the increase of car thefts, etc. etc.
Actually, my taxes are going to old white people to pay for their prescription drugs. My 13% in SSI s going to old white people.
" are saying that you agree with all these illegals flooding into the country day and night, (more than ever now) be given amnesty? "
Good. Hope you feel the same way when you get fired
.......or even worse threaten to shoot one for trespassing on your property and be sued for your "home"."
OR be threatened during the night at your home and "God-Forbid" have to use your gun or weapons to defend yourself and yur family and lose your home in the courts for defending yourself....... as has happened near the Mexican and Texas border recently :
..... and which will be happening more and more if those borders are not better protected soon.
" are saying that you agree with all these illegals flooding into the country day and night, (more than ever now) be given amnesty? "
Good. Hope you feel the same way when you get fired
.......or even worse threaten to shoot one for trespassing on your property and be sued for your "home"."
OR be threatened during the night at your home and "God-Forbid" have to use your gun or weapons to defend yourself and yur family and lose your home in the courts for defending yourself....... as has happened near the Mexican and Texas border recently :
..... and which will be happening more and more if those borders are not better protected soon.