Again, here are my ten points that is needed minimally. I don't know what is in the law, but I'm sure they stole it from me:
1. All illegals must register under some federal identity program.
2. All must be fingerprinted and entered in a worker database.
3. All must show a record of "paid" health insurance policy.
4. All must show proof of paid annual auto insurance.
5. All must show worker's comp insurance.
6. All must show appropriate, valid drivers license.
7. All must register all family members in the states.
8. All must pass some basic english speaking skills.
9. All must pass a bilateral crime database exchange shared between the U.S. and mexico to ferret out the criminals.
10. All must pay an initial fee to re-validate their status (after all the above are satisfied). This fee is $6,500 per family member, initially. $6,500 x 14 million illegals. This is equal to 9 trillion dollars and we can retire the national debt overnight.
Like I said, you heard it here first. Besides, as Congressman Sullivan (R-OK) said, we truly do not have enough buses to send back 14 million people. Unless you use 100 cruise liners that could carry 1,000 people equals 100,000 people, times 140 trips. Thats a lot of trips down the coast. Of course, it could be an endeavor to rebuild new orleans.
$91 billion. Still, it would be a great start.
this is like the joke what do you call a 100,000 lawyers on the bottom of the ocean " a good start"
"---10 points---point 4 auto insurance---"
they do that now in a number of states to get the plates--then let the policy lapse so when they have an accident they just run off and leave the cars---these people have no character or responsibility to this country---(something like a number of our present day American citizens)---that is why so many seem to "feel their pain" and oppose sending them back where they came from
$6500 x 14MM illegals comes out to $109B, not $9T.
However, the structure of your idea is good.