Cut off the public benefits and let 'em self deport.
No one has the thingies to cut the snake off at the head.
Is that going to be through Constitutional Amendment?
Agreed - it will at least stop the influx of new illegals.
You know, I'm thinking that it might actually be a good strategy to paint the illegals in a sympathetic light and push the idea that wealthy white businessmen are using them for slave labor.
That would quell any charges of racism and would put pressure on the businesses to pay the illegals a much higher wage and even provide benefits. This would, of course, price themselves out of the market.
I'm almost thinking that we need to convince Jesse Jackson to get involved and push the idea that illegal immigration is bad for poor black families. I know the idea of working with Jesse is sickening but he is a political whore and would help again against the charges of racism.