Bonnie Reiss is on the board, too? Oh, joy! Lefties unite!
Another red flag for GOP voters?: Hollywood green activist is top Schwarzenegger aide
Democrats... just doing the jobs Republicans aren't qualified to do? Thanks, Arnold.
That's our Gubby.
Never mind that Nunez has CTA blood coursing thru his veins, an organization that despises the Gub (or so they pretend).
Is this a gesture of peace and togetherness or just a further revealing of who the Gub really is? (No, that is not a trick question, unless you believe in Trojan Horses that only know one trick; ie; stabbing their base in the heart as often as they can after they infiltrate their party.)
Just remember "A vote for McClintock is a vote for Bustamonte."
So this guy has 3 decades in education. What good is that if the 3 decades were 3 of the worse in the history of the US? Guys like these are the ones we need out of the education business and into collecting garbage somehwere.