To: Icelander
Admittedly this is anger, but does he have the cajones to put Fox in his place for once?
2 posted on
03/30/2006 11:39:46 AM PST by
(Qwerty ergo typo : I type, therefore I misspelll.)
To: theDentist
No, because they want the same thing.
We all better bend over.
5 posted on
03/30/2006 11:41:24 AM PST by
(Soylent green should be made outta liberals...)
To: theDentist
I never thought I would miss Clinton.
To: theDentist
Good Lord no! You probably knew that before you asked though!
24 posted on
03/30/2006 12:00:46 PM PST by
(If I wanted to live in Mexico, I'd FRIGGING MOVE THERE!)
To: theDentist
"Admittedly this is anger, but does he have the cajones to put Fox in his place for once?"
It's "cojones" and no.
27 posted on
03/30/2006 12:02:52 PM PST by
(godless atheist)
To: theDentist
We may wind up seeing four to eight years of a RAT president because of this immigration BS and the rest of the stuff the media has assassinated Bush with. The left gets half the country with the lies and Bush screws the rest of us himself.
48 posted on
03/30/2006 12:25:21 PM PST by
(Most people stand on the tracks and never even hear the train coming)
To: theDentist
No, and now Fox has a new plan! The US should 'invest' in rebuilding Mexico's infrastructure. Basically, they want a brand new modern country a la USA. And they want the US to fund it and build it and then get the heck out. This is called 'integration' with our neighbors. Pardon me while I get sick.
83 posted on
03/30/2006 12:55:17 PM PST by
To: theDentist
No Vincente, you're under pressure from 280 Million pissed off Americans. It's the Alamo in reverse, and we still remember the Alamo. Maybe you should have a little transcendental talk with Santa Anna.....a$$hole!
135 posted on
05/02/2006 9:40:38 PM PDT by
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