Try looking at his record for governor as an example of cuts and things he did. You can't do much in the Senate. Mccain doesnt have much of a record either in terms of cuts. Yea he goes for pork , but pork is small potatoes compared to medicare and social security spending.
Yea he goes for pork , but pork is small potatoes compared to medicare and social security spending.
And Allen proposes to do what to cut Medicare and SS spending?? Sorry, but Allen has not proven himself to be anything other than talk. Where is his leadership on spending? Where is his calling both Republicans and Democrats alike on drunken sailor spending and demanding an end to pork??? Easy. It doesn't exist! Allen is just playing it safe to not ruffle any feathers for the GOP nomination. That tells me he wouldn't take any bold stands or show any out-front leadership as president in cutting spending either.
I may not like all of what McCain stands for, but at least he's not afraid to kick a little ass in our party on pork spending. It's more moxy than I see from Bland Allen.