"The problem is that of perception. Like it or not, the debate has been framed in a way that is alienating legal Hispanic immigrants."
I think your mising the point of the frustration from many conservatives. Bush is the reason for this alienation. He and Rove have scoped this argument to place the base against mexicans and that is not the truth. The truth is that we want LEGAL not illegal immigration. That only happens if we enforce the current laws and require people to obey them.
The GOP is in for rude awakening - but I believe that this may be all a plan anyway to take away our rights. Can Bush be so stupid to not see how most of America does not want this? There is a reason and its not because he cares about you and I - big business and the future loss of our borders is what he is trying to implement.
Our freedoms are about to be whittled away - American is about to be lost - and actually probably already is.
And we're not holding anyone responsible. Don't blame us for the perceptions that *may* exist. Blame the illegals who flagrantly break the law. They create the stereotype, not us.
It's that same with the cabbie who won't pick up a black fare. He and his pals have been robbed or killed enough times by blacks that they are afraid to pick up any black. Is it their fault? Should they risk their lives and money for a small profit? As above, it is the fault of those committing the crime.
Your view is unrealistic and naive given the costs of illegal immigration. It's an invasion by another name.