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To: kingu
Sorry, that's a faulty analogy. It's more like someone breaking into your construction business, and doing the work at a reduced pay without the appropriate paperwork.

Someone who bypasses that system is violating the ability of a nation to set the terms of their borders. That's a violation of sovereignty, no matter if you consider it to be of sufficient level or not.

I see, so if someone smuggles in an endangered turtle across the border. Does that make him an invader in your book?

468 posted on 03/28/2006 6:37:05 PM PST by UNflagburner
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To: UNflagburner
It's more like someone breaking into your construction business, and doing the work at a reduced pay without the appropriate paperwork.

And selling crack on the sidewalk in front. And then carjacking your neighbor. And going on welfare. And grabbing some subsidized housing. And bankrupting your local emergency room. And flooding your public schools. And shutting down your freeways as a threat.

What a bargain!

470 posted on 03/28/2006 6:45:18 PM PST by Mojave
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To: UNflagburner
Sorry, that's a faulty analogy. It's more like someone breaking into your construction business, and doing the work at a reduced pay without the appropriate paperwork.

So I don't have any property rights at work now? So nice of you to decide these things. And it'd be nice to have those contruction jobs back, 'cause those were jobs that Americans wanted to do, but of course, that means nothing, since this is just a matter of economics. It all falls to the same root crime: crossing the border illegally, cheating those who follow the law and want to not only come here legally, but become part of this nation, rather than an extension of the country they're from.

I see, so if someone smuggles in an endangered turtle across the border. Does that make him an invader in your book?

I'm not the one using the word invader - what it does mean is that he's violating our international agreements on the trafficking of endangered animals - something that isn't a crime in your argument since he's doing it for economic reasons.

Heck, if I cheat on my taxes, it's not a crime either - I'm doing it for economic reasons. And if I buy from someone without paying sales taxes - well, that's just an economic crime as well.
473 posted on 03/28/2006 6:48:19 PM PST by kingu (Liberalism: The art of sticking your fingers in your ears and going NANANANA..)
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