Doesn't strike the chord of rage within every Vet...retired, active, or reserve...and/or US Citizen, I don't know what will.
Doesn't strike the chord of rage within every Vet...retired, active, or reserve...and/or US Citizen, I don't know what will.
They may start burning our flag at the next rally.
Post #405
"Doesn't strike the chord of rage within every Vet...retired, active, or reserve...and/or US Citizen, I don't know what will."
That picture of the mexican flag flying over the upside down Amercian flag should be sent to the White House - Congress - the Senate and all the conservative talk show hosts.
They need to be asked - 'What's up with this!!!' The MSM won't show it - but I'll bet the talk shows will give it a big play and many have web sites to post this picture and bypass the MSM.
A short while ago, I had a conversation with an offical from the Montebello Unified School District. I won't name his job title, because I didn't ask permission to reprint. Anyway, I caught him just coming out of a meeting, and I can presume what the meeting was about at this late hour.
I may be repeating some things already known here, but bear with me, if you will.
The MUSD official stated that the incident of disrespecting the U.S. flag took place yesterday, Monday, at Montebello High School. He stated that this was done by some in a crowd of approx. 1,000 students who had marched from other school districts, such as Pico Rivera, Whittier and Norwalk. According to him, there was a police presence along the march, which tried to "contain" the situation.
I basically gave him what's for as to how these photos are affecting people across the nation and told him to convey that to students across that area. He tried to tell me that this was all about H.R. 4437. I said that is totally an excuse. This anarchy has nothing to do with that bill.
They are not being taught that this is the United States, that we are a nation of laws, and that those laws must be obeyed by everyone and addressed through the proper channels. I said, obviously, these students are not being correctly informed in their classrooms and instead are being fed propaganda.
People, I really feel that the root of this is in the teachers in our schools and I plan to visit the nearest middle school tomorrow.
Before that, I had a conversation with an LAPD official, who informed me that much is being done "behind the scenes" to contain the anarchy in the streets. Because, initially I questioned her as to why LAPD and CHP allowed a mob to take over a freeway and shut down traffic. In actuality, she confessed to me that she is frustrated too. Plus, the fact, they are dealing with another shooting today, this time of a female deputy sheriff in South Gate.
She did state that "They are not going to get away with it tomorrow." So, don't hold your breath.
Whenever LEOs are shot in this state, it is always Hispanics who are the perps and always gang-bangers.
Do not blame the police, per se, but the constraints under which they operate, which are many, starting with the Warren Commission. Yes, Christopher Warren and the L.A. Police Commission were the ones who called in the feds who issued the Consent Decree. This was all subsequent to the Rodney King case.
I did not get a clear explanation from the school official as to how the kids will be punished, but his office is the one that would decide that.