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To: CowboyJay
Encroaching our borders in violation of our criminal codes...

So they are right up there with tax evaders and traffic violators, are those 'invaders' as well?

... sovereignty makes them an invader.

Now we're back to people looking for work are a threat to our sovereignty line. Like I said, that's utter noncense

390 posted on 03/28/2006 5:32:39 PM PST by UNflagburner
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To: UNflagburner
Now we're back to people looking for work are a threat to our sovereignty line. Like I said, that's utter noncense

Where's your house? I've decided that you no longer have control over your home. I can come and go as I please, and since it's just for economic reasons, I'm not infringing on any of your rights. I'll take your food, I'll use your beds, and you'll just smile, right?

The United States sets terms for people to enter this nation. Those terms aren't extremely complicated or burdensome. You fill out a form, asking permission to come here and work, and when that form is processed, you're either approved or disapproved. Someone who bypasses that system is violating the ability of a nation to set the terms of their borders. That's a violation of sovereignty, no matter if you consider it to be of sufficient level or not.

Just as you can control your own home, the nation can control it's borders.

The only nonsense being spouted here are from people who believe that they can singlehandedly hand over the rights of a nation.
408 posted on 03/28/2006 5:39:51 PM PST by kingu (Liberalism: The art of sticking your fingers in your ears and going NANANANA..)
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To: UNflagburner
"Now we're back to people looking for work are a threat to our sovereignty line. Like I said, that's utter noncense"

One more time, slowly...

They have VIOLATED our national sovereignty by crossing our borders without permission, and in violation of our laws against doing such. They are both criminals and invaders regardless of whatever else they do after entering the country.

They are criminal trespassers from the second they set foot here. They know it, and really don't give a $h!t. If allowed the vote, they will vote as leftward as one could possibly imagine. Their loyalties lie elsewhere, and their recent actions speak volumes as to their intentions.

The President of our country has ignored his constitutional duty and violated his oath of office.

464 posted on 03/28/2006 6:33:30 PM PST by CowboyJay (Rough Riders! Tancredo '08)
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