No time for itemized details in this discussion. If my broad statement of direction is wrong, then make your case.
>If my broad statement of direction is wrong, then make your case.<
No. For the past couple years on this issue, all I've heard from your side is to ask us how we can deport and process and so on. Many of us have labored to come up with a semblence of a plan for it.
Guys like Michael Medved are so willing to shoot down any suggestion of deportation, and write the caller off as a Savage-ite(thus being able to ignore anything he says, regardless of validity). Yet he never explained, at least up until I quit listening to him, how he would like to process all the illegals and pay for it.
So, again, I ask, what ideas do you have for all this assimilation? Who's responsibility is it? How is it enforced?