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To: Fedora

Yes, they were--Clarke and Beers were holdovers on the NSC when Bush won.(Wilson had also been on the NSC during CLinton's term) Clarke and Beers They left them on only to have them make well-publicized defections to Kerry.

42 posted on 03/28/2006 5:08:39 PM PST by the Real fifi
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To: the Real fifi; Enchante; ravingnutter; piasa
Pulling together some old threads to tie the NSC, Chinagate, Able Danger, and Wilson stuff together:

[Background note on Gorelick and John Deutch, mentioned previously in the thread: "John Deutch was an undesecretary in President Carter's Energy Department and a member of the Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee from 1979-1980. During his time there, Jamie Gorelick acted as his legal counsel.": Conspiracy To Commit Treason]

The Gorelick Rosetta Stone: Has 9/11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick's famous memo provided the missing link between Chinagate and 9/11?

Recall, too, that during the time of Ms. Gorelick's 1995 memo, the issue causing the most tension between the Reno-Gorelick Justice Department and Director Freeh's FBI was not counterterrorism but widely reported allegations of contributions to the Clinton-Gore campaign from foreign sources, involving the likes of John Huang and Charlie Trie. -- The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, April 15, 2004

Boortz notices the 9-11/Chinagate/Gorelick "Rosetta Stone"

You know that Jamie Gorelick is a member of the 9/11 Commission. You also probably know that she was an Assistant Attorney General in the Clinton Administration And .. you might know that she is the Clinton official who wrote that memo that pretty much eliminated any possibility that the CIA and the FBI would cooperate and share intelligence on terrorism. But .. do you know why Gorelick wrote this memo? Simple. To protect Clinton from an investigation into Chinese involvement in his campaign finance scandal.

Did Gorelick's infamous memo provide the missing link between Chinagate and 9/11?

"Quick - google Dietrich Snell. Explains a lot about AttaGate.", Post 192

This is absolutely ridiculous. The 9/11 Commission was a friggin joke... and a cover up operation. All this and the Berger thing? It's all connected.

If my guess- made in the post above- is correct or just close, then it might explain a lot about Berger. Berger was involved in Chinagate, and China of course was in on the Qadeer Khan proliferation ring.

*** Was not Sandy Berger a paid lobbyist for China? 81 posted on 07/19/2004 5:31:10 PM PDT by rhombus

*** Sandy Berger Worked for the Chinese Government 314 posted on 07/19/2004 6:16:07 PM PDT by hope

Berger's had problems handling classified info before:

“This is the second time now that we have a documented case of Berger mishandling classified information,” said Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.), recalling a 1999 incident that led him to take to the floor of the House to criticize “the outrageous and curious behavior of our so-called national security adviser.”

As a member of the Cox Committee charged with investigating the transfer of high-tech secrets to China during the Clinton administration, in January 1999 Rep. Weldon sent an advance copy of the committee’s report to Mr. Berger for his review. After seven months of closed-door, bipartisan hearings with no leaks to the press, the committee of five Republicans and four Democrats had unanimously recommended some three dozen steps that should be taken to protect America’s national security.

Within days, however, “Sandy Berger issued a statement to selected members of the media putting the White House spin on what was still a classified document,” congressman Weldon recalled. “He did that without asking any member of the committee. Before the CIA director could even read our report, Berger was already spinning. That sets the pattern for what may have occurred” in the Archives case, Rep. Weldon believes.

Though he planned to remain silent on the current controversy until more facts came to light, a reminder of Mr. Berger’s record was enough to change Rep. Weldon’s mind. “I remember this vividly now,” he told WORLD in his first interview on the subject. “I went through it in a detailed way on the floor of the House. There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that Berger pre-released classified information to benefit the White House.” ----- "Berger’s secret," by Bob Jones, World Magazine, 7/26/04

Berger's a Kerry campaign staffer who was hoping to land a positionin his White House should Kerry have been elected- and Kerry, too, has ties with China:

May 2004 - Is Chinagate old news? Water under the bridge? Something for the 9/11 Commission's Democrat partisans to pooh-pooh and ignore as they recklessly paint their anti-Bush pastiche?

Not if you continue to mourn the thousands dead on that grim September morning. And not if you consider what other reflexively anti-Defense politician currently angling for the Presidency has financial ties to some of the same scandalous campaign donors as Bill Clinton: John Kerry is today's victorious campaign-donation choice of Chinagate's Huang-linked George Chao-Chi Chu, described as having "unusual access to high-ranking Communist officials in China" [6].

And that is old news, in a way: for in 1996 John Kerry received cash from Johnny Chung and Liu Chaoying, daughter of a powerful Chinese military official, for providing high-level access to Federal securities regulators. Kerry's cash came from transfers sent to Chung on orders from the chief of Chinese military intelligence [7]. --- "Did Gorelick's infamous memo provide the missing link between Chinagate and 9/11?,"

Berger was involved in the Los Alamos spy case.

Remember, Able Danger's findings weren't the only things hidden from the administration- the NSC's March 2000 post millenium plan, the Millenium After-Action Review, detailing the extensive network of al Qaeda and foreign terrorists within the US and making recommendations on dealing with them, was not among the thirty other items Janet Reno briefed John Ashcroft on when the new administration took over during the abbreviated transition period.

Who ordered Richard Clark to write the NSC Post-Millenium plan that the Clinton administration never bothered to implement?

Sandy Berger.

2003 : (CLINTON ASKS BERGER TO REVIEW AND SELECT ADMNISTRATION DOCUMENTS THAT WOULD BE TURNED OVER TO THE 9/11 COMMISSION) Clinton asked Berger last year to review and select the administration documents that would be turned over to the [9/11] commission. --- "AP: Clinton Adviser Probed in Terror Memos [Sandy Berger, is the focus of a criminal investigation," John Solomon, AP via Yahoo, July 20, 2004

SEPTEMBER? 2003 : (SANDY BERGER REVIEWS COPY OF POST-MILLENNIUM REPORT IN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES- IT WOULD DISAPPEAR, EVIDENTLY INTO HIS PANTS OR SOCKS) --- "AP: Clinton Adviser Probed in Terror Memos [Sandy Berger, is the focus of a criminal investigation," John Solomon, AP via Yahoo, July 20, 2004

JANUARY 2004 : (BERGER'S HOME SAFE & OFFICE SEARCHED BY FBI AGENTS WITH WARRANTS; THEY FIND CLASSIFIED NOTE CARDS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST PEACE TALKS IN HIS BUSINESS OFFICE, BUT FAIL TO FIND THE OTHER MISSING DOCUMENTS) The FBI searched Berger's home and office with warrants earlier this year after employees of the National Archives told agents they believed they witnessed Berger put documents into his clothing while reviewing sensitive Clinton administration papers, officials said.... In the FBI search of his office, Berger also was found in possession of a small number of classified note cards containing his handwritten notes from the Middle East peace talks during the 1990s, but those are not a focus of the current criminal probe, officials and lawyers said. ... in January the FBI executed search warrants of a safe at Berger's home as well as his business office where he found some of the documents. Agents also failed to locate the missing documents. ... --- "AP: Clinton Adviser Probed in Terror Memos [Sandy Berger, is the focus of a criminal investigation," John Solomon, AP via Yahoo, July 20, 2004

FEBRUARY 27, 2004 : (UCLA, CA : JOHN KERRY SPEECH CONCERNING AIRPORT AND PORT SECURITY - SPEECH WOULD BE REMOVED FROM HIS WEBSITE WHEN SANDY BERGER NATIONAL ARCHIVES DOCUMENT THEFT NEWS BREAKS - COULD IT CONTAIN TELL-TALE PHRASES LIFTED FROM STOLEN DOCS?)JULY 13, 2004 : (PRESS REPORT REFERS TO SANDY BERGER AS A CHIEF FOREIGN POLICY ADVISOR TO JOHN KERRY)...In a wide-ranging and exclusive interview with Bisnow on Business, former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, now a chief foreign policy adviser to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry,... ----- Bisnow interview reported in The Hill

JULY 21, 2004 10:50AM : (KERRY'S SUDDENLY DISAPPEARING WEB DOCUMENTS [07/21 10:50 PM] ) Various Kerry Spot readers are calling attention to the fact that the Kerry web site appears to have removed the press release that used to be here:
But can still be seen in the Google cache here, and has been posted on the discussion board here:
The date of the event is February 27, 2004. The event was a speech at UCLA about homeland security, mentioning port security and airline security.
Now, Kerry wouldn't need any secret documents from March 2000 to make a speech saying port and airline security should be improved in February 2004. So it's hard to buy the most sinister theories running around, that Kerry was using the classified documents to put together his homeland security policy proposals.
Unless, perhaps, the 2000 memo mentioned something about airport perimeter security and airliner's vulnerability to shoulder-fired missiles, and somehow that inspired Kerry release's plan to "increase perimeter inspections of U.S. airports and work with international aviation authorities to make sure the same standards are in place at all international airports. He will work with our allies to crackdown on the sale of shoulder-fired missiles that could be used in an attack on civilian aircraft, and are sold on the black market." But would Kerry really need a secret memo to think of that threat?
Either way, it is odd that this event appears to have been deleted from Kerry's web site.
UPDATE: Another reader wonders if the language in Kerry's speech in New Hampshire on December 17 or at UCLA is from the security memo. Well, if that could be proven, it would be pretty damning. --- "KERRY'S SUDDENLY DISAPPEARING WEB DOCUMENTS [07/21 10:50 PM]", via GrampaDave & Smonk on FR

JULY 20, 2004 : (REPORT : BERGER & MISSING DOCS ON VULNERABILITIES AT US ARIPORTS & SEAPORTS) Government and congressional officials familiar with the investigation, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because the probe involves classified materials, said the investigation remains active and no decision has been made on whether Berger should face criminal charges. The officials said the missing documents were highly classified, and included critical assessments about the Clinton administration's handling of the millennium terror threats as well as identification of America's terror vulnerabilities at airports to sea ports. --- "AP: Clinton Adviser Probed in Terror Memos [Sandy Berger, is the focus of a criminal investigation," John Solomon, AP via Yahoo, July 20, 2004

Remember, these documents were NSC documents.

1998 : (CLINTON AFRICA TRIP INCLUDES SANDY BERGER & JOSEPH WILSON, NSC DIRECTOR FOR AFRICAN AFFAIRS) Samuel Berger, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs ... Joe Wilson Special Assistant to the President and NSC Senior Director for African Affairs --- "Official Delegation Accompanying the President to Africa March 20, 1998," (They both accompanied Clinton on his 1998 Africa trip)

Don't be suprised to find out the Qadeer Khan nuclear proliferation network had dealings with Niger.

Well, we all know about Joseph Wilson an Niger... and there's the report the CIA never followed up on from the navy, where a source in the country of Benin, from which Niger's uranium is shipped, told the Navy that Iraq had a uranium shipment stored in a warehouse there. That contact said the CIA never called or met with him on what he knew. I presume the report was ignored because it didn't fit in with the conventional wisdom that Iraq didn't need to buy uranium since it had so much stored up under IAEA seal. Nevermind that that uranium was being monitored by inspectors while smuggled uranium would not be.

192 posted on 08/13/2005 3:38:04 AM CDT by piasa (Attitude Adjustments Offered Here Free of Charge)

"BREAKING!!! - Weldon says records were ordered destroyed!! (Able Danger)", Post 796

It implies that Clinton was very concerned about something, probably something to do with "Chinagate" and campaign funds from illegal foreign sources. Remember, the reason that Clinton had Gorelick and Scruggs erect "the wall" in the first place was to stymie investigations into his own illegal dealings. The byproduct of Clinton's self-preservation tactics was that the left hand knew about lead hijacker Atta but the right hand did not - - because the left hand was prohibited (by "the wall") from telling the right hand.

44 posted on 03/28/2006 8:00:04 PM PST by Fedora
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To: the Real fifi
* Rand Beers :


US Assistant Secretary of State Rand Beers has admitted that he did not speak the truth when he last November declared under oath that Colombian guerrillas had received training in terrorist camps in Afghanistan ...
Top State Department official Rand Beers, who heads the US Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, has rescinded a statement made under oath before a federal court that claimed that guerrillas from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) had trained at Al Qaida camps in Afghanistan.
Beers committed perjury in an attempt to support a motion to dismiss a civil suit against US mercenary company DynCorp, the largest State Department contractor. DynCorp's mercenaries performs a host of military and support functions for the US and Colombian forces who are fighting left-wing insurgents in Colombia's civil war. ------ "TOP US OFFICIAL LIED ABOUT AL QAIDA-FARC LINK," By Maria Engqvist, ANNCOL Stockholm, 12.09.2002

46 posted on 03/29/2006 4:07:49 PM PST by piasa (Attitude Adjustments Offered Here Free of Charge)
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To: the Real fifi; Fedora; Howlin
1990s : (RAND BEERS IS ONE OF TWO NSC EMPLOYEES BRIEFED BY THE FBI ON THE CHINESE TRYING TO BUY INFLUENCE ON CONGRESS; see BEERS' FALSE AFFIDAVIT TO BLOCK THE DYNCORPS SUIT) Beers was also a central figure in Chinagate. Clinton said he'd have been more careful if he'd known what the FBI did--that the Chinese were trying to buy influence in Congress. The FBI said they'd briefed 2 NSC employees (one of whom was Beers) on this very issue. Clinton responded that the FBI had told those they'd briefed not to pass the info up the chain. The FBI denied that.(I credit their denial. What reason would they have had for such a restriction on the information?)
Thereafter Beers was twice promoted by Albright.
Then came the false affidavit to block the DynCorps suit, which Beers amended in a second affidavit in which he admitted critical statements in the first affidavit were false.
Depends on what the meaning of "is" is type guy. I have written the Wash Post editors and ombudsman complaining of this reporting--it was written by a lazy reporter or one who was simply acting as a conduit for a candidate.
------ 21 posted on 06/17/2003 10:10:17 AM PDT by the Real fifi
47 posted on 03/29/2006 4:10:28 PM PST by piasa (Attitude Adjustments Offered Here Free of Charge)
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