You DID miss them, didn't you? Because now, besides the fact that you're changing your tune, you've revealed that you haven't got a clue as to how the President handled himself in any of those situations.
He didn't 'stumble' a bit in the Cleveland speech and Q&A, in the press conference, or the appearance in WVa. He presented all the facts with clarity and intelligence, and fielded hostile questions with grace and strength.
You have exposed yourself as a fraud, groove.
HAHA... Okay you got me..... NOT
Yout think that becasue I disagree with you on how well the Pres presented himself, that I exposed myself for a fraud and actually didn't see his "fighting back" last week? Now that's funny. Can no one here admit that the Pres. cannot articulate worth a damn especially for a POTUS and he hasn't changed in the last week.... now I'm ROFLMAO.