Well.. dog I just heard him say as much on my very TV..
Should I give him a pass?.. shine it on as some Rovian synergy?..
Them days are about over.. I don't trust the little RINO..
And NO I wouldn't vote for McLaim if the Anti-Christ was running against him.. and her name was not Hillary..
There I said again.. actually I re-iterated what HE said..
Bloviating about immigrants has no effect on me anymore..
The last thing America needs is multi millions of psuedo democrats, proto type democrats.. enliving the democrat party.. And the enablers that let it happen are criminals, ALSO..
You are suggesting that Bush wants the insurgency to continue, huh? I should have guessed that you were merely using YOUR word (insurgency) for what is happening, and that Bush said nothing of the kind. So, instead of a stupid comment, its just your own loose interpretation of Bush's speech? You folks are really going to have to come up with more than that. You just look silly.