Posted on 03/26/2006 10:34:24 AM PST by Dark Skies
Once doctors decide if Rahman is mentally fit to stand trial, prosecutors will decide whether to refile charges against him. If he's sick, he'll be treated, officials said. After he's treated, prosecutors will again ask Rahman whether he's Christian.
"If he has the same answer, we'll see what happens," said Aloko, the deputy attorney general.
If recharged, Rahman would face the death penalty. If not, he could be sent to live in a mental hospital here.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Translated: "He isn't a muslim practicing Islam who must be branwashed and returned to the collective. If he isn't 'cured' he'll then be put to death."
Translated: "He isn't a muslim practicing Islam who must be branwashed and returned to the collective. If he isn't 'cured' he'll then be put to death."
Should have been...
Translated: "He isn't a muslim practicing Islam. Therefore, he must be brainwashed and returned to the collective. If he isn't 'cured' he'll then be put to death."
SICK? Sounds to me like he's CURED!
The practitioners of the Muslim cult are the ones who should be in mental institutions...
He is a man who actually believes in Jesus Christ and says that he is not afraid of dying. God bless him. He shows more faith in this faithless world than I have seen since Mother Theresa.
And WE are supposed to tolerate them?
Not a chance.
Well, I'll be. CAIR actually has a reasonable (for them) position on this."
It's easy for Cair to have a reasonable position on it as they are trying to buffalo the non-muslims in the U.S.
I'm sure the rest of the muslim world knows Cair is lying to the infidels.
Karzai's a politiician. I think in the end he'll find a way to quietly get this guy to a western nation"
Karzai's first and formost a muslim and if he sneaks Rahman out to a western nation,he might be murdered himself and he knows it.
"Democracy is not liberty; without the moral underpinnings of liberty, democracy is just a license for the majority to oppress the minority, which we are seeing play out right in front of us."
This is the most insightful comment I've seen on the efforts to bring democracy to the Middle East. Well done!
The fact that Rahman would be tried and possibly murdered by the court for being a Christian, the fact that muslims trying to save him do so at very real risk to their own lives, this tells us everything we need to know about Islam.
Karzai would have been dead long ago were it not for Christian bodyguards who keep him alive. He wouldn't last a day without them.
Where did you hear this rumor?
Compare the facial expressions in this photo. Rahman's face has a soft and smiling quality even though he is the one facing possible death. The others have an aspect of anger or sadness.
It is not at all surprising that a Spirit-filled Christian would appear insane to devout muslims.
BTW, look at the expression of Rahman's hands (over his heart). We can pretty clearly surmise what he is saying.
Western Pennsylvania.
Thanks for this and all of your other great replies on threads about this man.
Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
The Afghan Judiciary needs a refresher on the supremacy of individual Liberty and freedom. Islamists can all go to hell.
Why do I have this feeling that death might be preferable to life in an Afghan mental institution?
Can you imagine the horror stories that come from an islamic asylum.
But Rahman has something special...he knows he is willing to die for his faith in the Real God. In a way, he has already transcended his circumstances.
For this man, it's all gravy from here on out.
After WWII, Ezra Pound was confined to a mental institution. If not that, he well might have been executed for treason for his support of the facists during the war.
Announce there is going to be a stoning.
Then shoot everybody who shows up.
The hills of Western Pennsylvania are alive with the sound of rumors....?
I suppose I shouldn't have been colloquial and asked, "From whom did you hear the rumor?"
Series, did you hear it from a person or read about it?
I'm not sure where I first heard a lot of stuff floating around in my head, so if you can't remember, don't sweat it. I'm just curious as it's not a rumor I ever heard, and I'm as old as dirt.
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