Am I the only KOOK that still speculates and thearorizes that the danged Rooskies were DEEPly involved with Saddam's Weapons Of Mass Destruction, most certainly including the nuclear weapons so as to be a client/puppet of Russia withwhich to threaten the US AND THE WORLD's ECONOMIC LYNCH-PIN OF OIL SUPPLY?
And furthermore... Am I the only KOOK that believes strongly that the Russians saw to it that the WMD's were snuck into Syria, where they remain today for the same reason they were in Saddam's Iraq in the first place?
I just don't think "W" got all the way into rootin tootin boot skootin putin's soul through his eyes like he said he did!!!
There! Now whaddaya think of them apples, gang???
Friday, March 24, 2006
Criswell predicts ...
************AN EXCERPT ********************
The other striking thing in Document CMPC-2003-001950 was why the Russians should be particularly worried about the smallest component of the deployment:
4- The ambassador pointed that what worried us (most probably us refers to the Russians) was the increase in the number of planes in Jordan where the number of planes in Al Sallt base was as follows: 24 planes F-16 10 planes Tornado 11 planes Harrier He also mentioned that there were 10 A-10 tank destroyers in the Jordanian base of King Faysal.
Why were these relatively small forces so worrisome? My guess is their location near the Iraq-Syrian border and the composition of these air units were suggestive of support for an air assault attack on traffic to and from Syria. What was moving between Iraq and Syria that would be of concern to the Russians?
>> "...rootin tootin boot skootin Putin's soul "
You certainly have a way with words!
As to your theory, it wouldn't surprise me although I didn't follow the specifics closely.
Foggy Bottom no doubt sent formal letters of apology along with assurances that we love and trust our Russian "friends".