"Houston says she stumbled across the puppykat seven years ago, when two wild cats she had rescued mated. Their offspring were very puppylike"
I think they were just not as "domesticated" as house cats. I don't see how they could have dog-like traits, after all they are the offsprings of two wild cats.
I wonder if she meant feral cats? Except for Cougar and Bobcat families there are not any true wild cats in this Country. If the two feral's mated I think the " dog like" traits are most likely a glitch in the gene system.
There is a very good reason why you do not have the variety of appearance among cat breeds as you do among dog breeds. I mean compare a poodle and a greyhound.
I am not an animal breeder but something just does not sound right to me.
Also, my Maine-coon is about the most dog-like cat I've ever seen.comes when you call it, follows me around the yard, has NEVER scratched me (really! -even with some rough play), and I don't need a cage to take her to the vet, just carry her in....just doesn't hang her head out the window during the ride!