In a race between Hillary and any given RINO, I'll vote 3rd party or write somebody in.
Another reason is the following, I have this thing against Macho Men and Women (I'll explain the Women part later)... and these Macho types are all over... American's, American Latinos, American Blacks, Eastern Eurpoeans... Afghanistan, The Middle East, Asians, you name it.
My problem with them, these Macho types, is that they are always against women - and their advancement - in a general sense.
Now, I think that if Hillary were to come into office it would be by a thin margin. Also, she would be a 1 term president.
Now, I actually don't think she will ever be president because Men and Women alike will come out in droves and vote against her.
Now about the Macho women... these are the Soccer Moms that are completely Hetero and love Men, I mean Love Men.
They hate Hillary and anything gay. They are silent and busy with Babies, unless you stir them - Then they come out in droves and attack... They make their voice known.
But like you said ... in the end the 3rd Party Candidate will actually have a chance at winning the 2008 election.... like Ralph Nader.